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我从前的内兄想见我。My erstwhile brother-in-law wants to see me.

他们的情况比以前的竞争对手都要好。Both are in better shape than their erstwhile rivals.

一些行话隐语怎样使得人们往日的基本交际显的尊贵是很有意思的一件事情。It's funny how a bit of jargonics can dignify an erstwhile base exercise.

事实上,现在巴拿马金融业远非过去的来者不拒。Panama is indeed now far removed from its erstwhile financial free-for-all.

某位美国前高级官员曾经要求中国成为一个‘负责任的利益攸关方’。An erstwhile US policy maker once asked China to be a 'responsible stakeholder'.

毕贺拉来自拉贾曾呆过的环境与森林部。Behura was brought in from Raja's erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests.

这位往昔的老师找到了一种让我们晚上安静下来的方法。This erstwhile schoolmaster had discovered a way of keeping us quiet in the evenings.

因为信奉了爱因斯坦,我们的世纪告别了原有的宇宙和上帝。In embracing Einstein, our century took leave of a prior universe and an erstwhile God.

艾紫培跟随寇思和他昔日的客人凡瑟,最终来到了寇思称之为家的这片土地。Elspeth follows Koth with his erstwhile guest, finally seeing the lands Koth calls home.

英文粗纺行业以前的政治势力的故事也同样引人入胜。The tales of the erstwhile political power of the English woollen industry are also fun.

银行家,过去金融世界的主宰,还不习惯屈尊降贵。BANKERS, erstwhile masters of the financial universe, are not used to being spoken down to.

在目前华尔街的昔日巨头们该显示忏悔的时候,傲慢的迹象却比比皆是。At a time when its erstwhile titans could do with displaying contrition, signs of hubris abound.

此外,现有的长廊被关闭昔日交通路近三十年前创建的。Also, the existing promenade was created by closing the erstwhile traffic road almost thirty years ago.

我们很高兴发现了一个新的花园社区,这个花园以前是一个填满垃圾的地方。We were delighted to discover a new community garden where erstwhile had been a trash-filled vacant lot.

那个曾经跟你称兄道弟的傢伙,是最可能搞砸我们一切努力的怪胎。That erstwhile buddy of yours is a weird duck who will most probably put the kibosh on all our good deeds.

对于之前的雇主兴业银行,他是一个给兴业银行声誉和资产造成巨大损失的骗子。To his erstwhile employer, he is a fraudster who has cost the French bank its reputation as well as its money.

它必须依赖于由政治家和昔日平民志愿组织、充当军官和加入的部队。It would have to depend on volunteer forces raised, officered, and manned by politicians and erstwhile civilians.

作为奥巴马前竞争对手,希拉里·克林顿可能使国务卿这一职位的王牌地位受到动摇。Hilary Clinton's status as an erstwhile Obama rival might undermine the traditional trump card of a secretary of state.

1969年,弗兰普顿离开了羊群,形成昔日小面主唱史蒂夫万豪越难摇摆忍辱含垢。In 1969, Frampton left the Herd to form the harder-rocking Humble Pie with erstwhile Small Faces frontman Steve Marriott.

但安娜的前夫,一个英国人,走的比任何人都远,得到了把她变成他从前的俄罗斯妻子的机会。But Anna's ex-husband, an Englishman, went further than anyone, given the chance to cash in on his erstwhile Russian wife.