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油漆刷子烫葑灯等等。Paint, brushes, ladders, lamps, etcetera.

再是去年明星楼盘全部出现交房问题等等。Total sales last year to star in others, etcetera.

我们可以计算,这两个过程中的能量差。And I know energy is related to Cv through Cv dT etcetera.

这一点发生在政治、医学、教育等等领域。This happens in politics, medicine, education, and etcetera.

我们要研究,熵,热机,卡洛循环等概念。We're building up to entropy and to engines, Carnot cycles, etcetera.

您可以使用钢羊毛,以消除涂料从花式木材的工作,等等。You can use steel wool to remove the paint from fancy wood work, etcetera.

然而,其他的文件和目录需要严密的权限不足,以便上传文件等等。However, other files and directories need less tight permissions in order to upload files etcetera.

即使在天文学中,当你谈论恒星,黑洞等时,你能量的转移。And even in astrophysics, when you talk about stars, black holes, etcetera you're moving energy around.

构架包括钢筋混凝土构材、钢骨构材、钢骨钢筋混凝土构材等。The frames have reinforced concrete members, steel members and steel reinforced concrete members etcetera.

你需要能量,来移动胳膊和走动,机械系统,汽车,船等等。You need energy to move your arms around and move around mechanical systems, obviously, cars, boats, etcetera.

但是日志文件会是一个巨大的安全问题,因为它们可能包含登陆证书或是信用卡号码等等。But log files can be a huge security issue, as they may contain login credentials, credit card numbers etcetera.

“托运行李中有任何电池,充电器等东西吗?”终于到轮到我的时候值机台的员工问我。"Do you keep batteries, chargers, etcetera in your luggage?" asked the check-in staff when my turn at last came.

你可以看到与正在阅读事件相关的影片报导,也能看到最新的体育比赛分数等等。You can get video annotations of the event that you're reading about You can get the latest sports scores etcetera.

我们应当像对待诸如血吸虫、肺结核等慢性疾病那样,去和以上种种顽疾做斗争。We should combat such devices in the same way as we combat chronic diseases like bilharzia , tuberculosis, etcetera.

许多不同种类的分子构成了你的咖啡,有水分子,气味分子,牛奶蛋白等等。Many kinds of molecules make up your coffee There are the water molecules, the flavor molecules the milk proteins, etcetera.

神曾经想试著通过无数的先知来实现神的旨意,例如诺亚、亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各、摩西、四大先知等等。God tried to fulfill the will through many prophets such as Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, the Four Great Prophets, etcetera.

毕竟这是贸易活动,背后有很多商业问题等着解决,例如顾客群要稳定、供应商要可靠等。It is trade, after all, and business questions need to be sorted out, the customer base sustained, the suppliers reliable and etcetera.

以及所有的杂质等等,钙,重金,砷,任何在你咖啡里的东西。All the components that make up the coffee, and all the impurities, etcetera. cadmium, heavy metals, arsenic, whatever is in your coffee.

教养院实行准军事化管理,孩子们每天起床后第一件事就是将床位整理得异常整齐,开始做户外训练。There, they live in a military type of regime, starting the day with open air exercises, making beds to absurdly meticulous rules etcetera.

然后他们就这些论证展开讨论,找风险投资,来资助其公司,还找著名人士,来支持他们,等等等等。And they go through these arguments, and they find venture money to fund the company, and they get very famous people to endorse them, etcetera.