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和谐和安乐感有时也会很危险。Harmony and euphoria can be dangerous, too.

也许这能解释兴奋的感觉Perhaps that explains the feelings of euphoria.

就像酒精一样,膨胀的债务能为人们带来一种欣快感。Like alcohol, a debt boom tends to induce euphoria.

自信、有力和高亢感漫溢。Feelings of self confidence, power, and euphoria pervade.

抑郁是指情绪“低落”,兴奋则是情绪“高涨”。Depression is "feeling down," while euphoria is "being high.

亚历山大斯米尔诺夫从来没有得到过1991年8月的欣快感。Alexander Smirnov has never gotten over the euphoria of August 1991.

我们已经知道,当中国过度兴奋而亏损时将发生什么。And we already know what happens when the China euphoria truly wanes.

大厅中洋溢着兴奋与狂喜,怎一个"完美"了得。There was a kind of euphoria in the hall, something beyond perfection.

但是一些政府官员和经济专家说,现在还没有到欢庆的时刻。But officials and business experts say it is not yet time for euphoria.

宏观经济时好时坏,抑制了更乐观的市场情绪。Macroeconomic choppiness is holding back more dramatic market euphoria.

现在,随着亢奋情绪的淡去,困难的政治现实就显现出来了。Now that the euphoria has waned, hard political realities come into view.

就在几天前,深处绝望深渊的我们几乎可以重见光明了。We've gone from the depths of despair to near euphoria in just a few days.

我常常感到持续数天的欣快感。Often I’ll have a background feeling of euphoria that lasts for days at a time.

欣然于超越生命挑战的满心欣喜的感觉。Take pleasure in, the feeling of euphoria for being able to surpass life’s challenges.

他们相信该点是大脑控制微笑、大笑和幸福感中枢的一部分。They believe that the spot may be part of the brain's smile, laugh, and euphoria center.

对最近的方案,市场并没未产生极大质疑,而是欢欣鼓舞地表示欢迎。The markets have greeted the latest package with a wave of euphoria. No great surprise there.

艺术已成为城市的公共叙事者,并带来了欣快的特徵。Art has mainly been serving as the cities' public story-teller, to bring euphoria with people.

然而,索尔仁尼琴在瓦杜兹并没有像西方人士那样兴奋。But, in Vaduz, Solzhenitsyn, a principled conservative, could not join in the West's euphoria.

这也就是为什么在接吻的时候,人会有种轻飘飘的幸福感。That is why the kissing partners can experience feelings of euphoria and bliss in the process.

理查兹在比赛的第75分钟破门后,跑到边线上和教练来了个热情的拥抱。Richards got a hug from his boss in the touchline euphoria that followed his 75th-minute header.