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到处都是鱼。Fish everywhere.

山河处处喜洋洋。Joy is everywhere.

到处都是咩咩声。Everywhere a baa baa.

不要随地吐痰。Don't spit everywhere.

垃圾食品很便宜而且无处不在It's cheap everywhere.

到处都是呼噜声。Everywhere a oink oink.

在哪儿都可以度过欢乐时光。Happy hours everywhere.

这里那里,到处都是。Be there. Be everywhere.

我已经四处找遍了。I have looked everywhere.

我到处都找遍了。I've searched everywhere.

到处响起了号声。Bugles sounded everywhere.

到处皆然。It's like this everywhere.

水花四溅。Water splashed everywhere.

三色旗帜到处都是。The tricolor is everywhere.

野鸭们散布在各处。Ducks are spread everywhere.

它君临四界。It took dominion everywhere.

到处都是模糊的天际线。Everywhere was soft sky-line.

到处都是黑压压一片。There is darkness everywhere.

未埋葬的死尸到处都是。Unburied dead lay everywhere.

我们不应该随地吐痰。We shouldn't spit everywhere.