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你使我兴奋!You excite me!

什么会使我激动?What would excite me?

寻找能激发你的话题。Look for topics that excite you.

上海儿童性教育夏令营无人问津。Shanghai kids' sexed camp fails to excite.

想要以此邂逅吗?那么我可以激活你的自然的频率。Want to meet up so I can excite your natural frequency?

巴黎的诱惑与魅力吸引了所有到此游玩的人。The allure and charm of Paris excite all who visit there.

葛克怒吼以激励友军单位并惊吓敌军单位。Gerk roars to excite the friendly units and scare enemy units.

小曼奇尼与蒙塔里的到来似乎都无法让人兴奋起来。Amantino Mancini and Sulley Muntari don't seem to excite people.

他们担心探视者会使病人过于兴奋。They feared that the visitors would excite the patient too much.

有的颜色能帮助你放松心情,而另一些颜色能赋予你活力,使你变得兴奋。There are colors to help you relax and others to energise and excite.

提示法莫替丁可兴奋胃窦肌电活动。The conclusion is famotidine could excite antral myoelectric activity.

但是为什么kohler洁具会让人激动不已?But why would Kohler toilets be the thing that would really excite people?

取而代之使用偶极子源激发弯曲波模式。Instead, it is necessary to use dipole sources to excite the flexural mode.

极限运动带来的危险和挑战总是能给人们带来感官的刺激。With extreme sports it is the danger and challenge that tends to excite people.

别那么激动。喝点开水,然后跟我说究竟是怎么回事。Don't be so excite. Drink some hot water, and then tell me what happened on earth.

乔布斯先生最终并未现身,但苹果公司仍然找到了令观众激动的途径。In the end Mr Jobs did not appear, but Apple still found ways to excite the crowd.

持续而温柔的爱抚和身体刺激会让金牛座爱人激情迸发。Tender and steady caresses of hand and physical stimulation excite the Taurus lover.

让脉动的街舞音乐刺激你的感官,并成为一名真正的街舞者!Let the pulsating hip-hop music excite your senses while you become a real hip hopper!

生石灰和熟石灰对粉煤灰活性激发的效果是不同的。Calcium lime and slacked lime have different results to excite the activity of fly ash.

事实上,在奢侈品世界里,很少有东西能像手表一样激发起男人的兴趣。In fact, few things in the luxury-goods world excite the attention of men like a watch.