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那就是评注的工作。That's what exegesis does.

治训诂必须通篆籀。Governance Exegesis must pass Zhuanzhou.

布道和解经论文是不同的。No,a sermon is different from an exegesis paper.

任何方式的解读经文都是解经。Any kind of interpretation of a text is exegesis.

在评注课上我们不在乎真伪。We don't care if it's true or not in an exegesis class.

佛经文献训诂中并不仅有词义训释的问题。Vocabulary is not the only problem in Buddhist sutra exegesis.

反之,要使词语训诂合乎这三端即具体语境,莫过于因文求义。Only by conforming with the three aspects can exegesis be correct.

“右文说”是北宋王圣美提出的一种以声音通训诂的理论。"Right-wen said" yes Song Sheng-Mei made a sound-pass Exegesis theory.

你将很快接受给希伯来经文注释的指导方针。You will soon be receiving guidelines for conducting an exegesis of a Hebrew text.

解经,正如你们在课上学过的那样,只是解读经文的意思。Exegesis means simply,as you've already learned in this course, interpreting a text.

阐释之章节选自创世记、出埃及记、利未记、民数记及申命记。Exegesis of selected passages from genesis exodus leviticus numbers and deuteronomy.

太上老君说常清净妙经之全文,也表示各个句子之解释。Complete text of the Qingjing Jing, with also a line by line explanation and exegesis.

阐释之章节选自以赛亚书、耶利米书、以西结书及十二先知书。Exegesis of selected passages from Isaiah , Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the Twelve Prophets.

阐释之章节选自以赛亚书、杰里迈亚书、以西结书及十二先知书。Exegesis of selected passages from Isaiah, Jeremiah , Ezekiel and the Twelve Prophets.

阐释之章节选自创世记、出埃及记、利未记、民数记及申命记。Exegesis of selected passages from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

训诂学是一门训释词义、注解古书的学问。Studies of exegesis is a kind of knowledge of explaining words and noting ancient books.

你的评注论文可以只着重于,我刚才讲过的其中一块。You could write an exegesis paper on just one section of any of those things that I talked about.

不过,我对这个陈述背后的释经,并不完全同意。However, I'm not in complete agreement with all of the exegesis that stands behind that statement.

以今日之成果检讨杨氏文字训话,既有千虑之失,也有其时代局限。Examining YANGS exegesis by today's standards, he is hard to avoid some mistakes or Time limitation.

看第97条,现在你们该庆幸,我没让你们对这些语录写注释论文?Look at 97,now you see aren't you glad that I didn't make you do an exegesis paper of these sayings?