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广泛应用于啤酒和白酒行业。It is expansively applied to beer and white spirit industries.

城镇的发展,必然带来城镇用地的扩张。The development of cities, brings the cities to use expansively the place.

今天,我就像那辽阔宽广的海洋,自由舒展地流动,力量强大的汹涌。Today, I am like the vast open ocean, free to flow expansively , surging with powerful energy.

阿兰•德波顿,英国散文家、小说家,甚至可以称得上哲学家。ALAIN DE BOTTON is a British essayist, novelist and, if one uses the term somewhat expansively , philosopher.

第二,要虚怀若谷地、宽容地、大度地对待世界上的所有文化,以汲取有益的元素。To humbly, generously and expansively treat all cultures of the world in order to extract their beneficial elements.

你不能仅局限于一两个字的回答,但是也不能为了掩饰自己内心的紧张而滔滔不绝地说个不停。You can't only confine to the answers of a few words, but can stop saying expansively in order to cover up one's own heart tensely.

相比以往的任何时候,我们如今更需要激励年轻女性大胆而充分地发挥才能,改变世界。Now more than ever, we need to inspire young women to think expansively and courageously about the impact they can have on the world.

尽管这些问题相对那些重大问题来说还不算显眼,但借此我们也可以想想到底希望智能负载均衡器为我们提供哪些强大的功能。However, it is better to think more expansively in terms of what powerful features we would like an intelligent load balancer to provide.

与扩招生相比统招生在人际关系、恐怖、精神病性等方面存在的问题较多。Regularly enrolled students share more problems in interpersonal relationship, horror, and psychopath than expansively enrolled students.

文章还对实验指导教材建设中的一些重要问题进行了讨论,提出了自己的观点。Some important problems are discussed about teaching guide material construction expansively and the standpoint of author is put forward.

一进门,游客面对广阔地西侧玻璃立面,享受科罗拉多自然景观最棒的视角。Upon entering the house, visitors face the expansively glazed western facade, which enjoys the best views of Colorado's natural landscapes.

因此,逸出气氡作为新的地震前兆观测项目,具有广阔的发展前景。So the gas Rn in groundwater, which is a new observation item of earthquake precursors in groundwater, has an expansively developing prospects.

技术联盟作为提高技术创新能力的有效策略,目前正在被国外许多企业广泛采用。As an effective tactics for promoting technological innovation in enterprise. technological coordination is now adopted expansively in many foreign cooperations.

当一个国家能力逐步成长时,其领导人往往扩大本国利益的定义,办那个试图在更大程度上对周围目标施加影响力。As a nation’s capabilities grow, its leaders generally define their interests more expansively and seek a greater degree of influence over what is going on around them.

但是面对终端用户,如何把三网融合业务在家庭中有效融合,并实现开放和可扩展的整体运营是一个重大挑战。However, in the face of end-user, it is a major challenge that how to make tri-networks integration business into families efficiently and realize open and expansively overall operation.

夯扩桩在基坑开挖中若施工不当,易造成桩体倾斜偏移,甚至发生裂缝或断裂的严重后果。In the open out of foundation Pit, the improper construction may create inclination and deviation of botton expansively ramming pile, even resulting in serious consequences of cracking and splitting.