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她自命为著名舞蹈家。She fancied herself as an prestigious dancer.

不过她讲的时候,还以为我睡着了呢。But she fancied me asleep while she was talking of it.

那个国家现在成了人们向往的安乐乡。The country is now the fancied land of milk and honey.

他自以为有学问,摆出—副博学的样子。He fancied himself learned and assumed AIRS of erudition.

他们自以为有学问,摆出一副博学的样子。They fancied themselves learned and assumed airs of erudition.

她渴望自己曾经在宝石商的窗口中见到过的那条项链。She fancied a necklace that she had seen in the jeweler's window.

她梦见她和嘉莉不知站在哪个旧矿井的旁边。She fancied she and Carrie were somewhere beside an old coal-mine.

背弹琵琶﹐仙音嘹扬。Some play lutes on the back, the fancied celestial music resounding.

现在的生活是我高三时想象中的大学生活吗?Is the life today the college life I had fancied when I am at senior3?

我意识到自己是多迷恋她是在一次和朋友晚餐的时候。We were at a dinner with friends when I realised how much I fancied her.

她想起曾把自己想象成伊丽莎白裙摆下的老鼠。She remembered how she had fancied herself a mouse in Elizabeth's skirts.

奶奶今年84岁,我问她是否幻想过再活16年。Nana is 84 years old and I asked her if she fancied living another 16 years.

那位放债者,一个又老又丑的人,看上了农夫的漂亮女儿。The moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the farmer's beautiful daughter.

我喜欢看到钮扣被缝到合适的衣裳上时仿佛创造出奇迹一般的情景。I fancied buttons that worked magic only when stitched on just the right garment.

他仿佛在这张吓坏了的病恹恹的脸上,看到使他感动的无辜的受难者的样子。He fancied he saw something touchingly innocent in the frightened, sickly little face.

因为他们离法国人那么近,他们还以为枪声和呐喊声都是由他们引起的。They were so near that they fancied they were the cause of that shot and those shouts.

比布尔是一名直言不讳的智者,自认为是哲学家和学者。Bibble was an outspoken, intelligent man, who fancied himself a philosopher and scholar.

人们心目中的这个牺牲品和终身奴仆会对他们这样说。"- the people's victim and life-long bond-slave, as they fancied her, might say to them.

在第一分钟,女人对于她们感兴趣和不感兴趣的男人,表现没什么不同。In the first minute women behaved no differently to men they fancied than those they didn't.

这位女债主既老又肥又丑,她喜爱农夫英俊的儿子,克里夫。The female moneylender, who was old, fat and ugly, fancied the farmer's handsome son, Cliff.