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远景还是幻想?Future or Fantasy?

多么疯狂的幻想!What a crazy fantasy.

你喜欢看幻想片吗?Do you like fantasy films?

这也许是另一个幻想。It may be another fantasy.

在这白夜里的幻想。In this white night fantasy.

是“最终幻想”里的女孩。It's girl from final fantasy.

一个幻想的无缝错落有致。A Seamless Patchwork Of Fantasy.

这是真的吗,或者只是我的幻觉?。Wass it real or just my fantasy?

我仿佛感觉一席暖风吹拂。In my fantasy exists a warm wind.

由于我在胡思乱想,倒翻了菜汤和肉汁。My fantasy spills soup and gravy.

你便是我的支柱,我的幻梦。You are my pillar and my fantasy.

幻想是少年的文学。Fantasy is literature for teenagers.

你不喜欢看这些幻想片。You don't like these fantasy movies.

我跟他讲了我对收银员的痴迷。I told him my fantasy of the cashier.

当然,这一切都还是空想。Of course, this is all just a fantasy.

为什么不十字绣幻想龙?Why Not Cross Stitch a Fantasy Dragon?

科幻作家和他迫切等待的书迷。A fantasy author and his impatient fans.

独角兽是来自于幻想的世界。Unicorns come from the world of fantasy.

还有千万不要吝啬对热软糖的幻想。And don’t skimp on the fantasy hot fudge.

就在本周,人们都沉湎于一个幻想之中。JUST for this week, indulge in a fantasy.