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但是要注意,传真通常会无果而终。But be aware that faxes usually end up in the garbage.

传真机使用有一面己用过的纸张接收文件Paper used only on one side is re-used for receiving faxes

当时我在那儿买打印机带子,他在看备忘记事本。I was buying a typewriter rebind and he was looking for faxes.

不过,我注意到有些传真发过来时就很模糊。But I noticed that some of the faxes came through pretty blurred.

不过,我注意到有些传真发过来的时候就很模糊。But I noticed that some of the faxes came through prertty blurred.

传真给客户时,你应该附上废戽页。When sending faxes to your clients you should include a cover sheet.

商业交易通常通过打电话和发传真完成。Business transactions are most often conducted by phone calls and faxes.

如果您只发送传真一次在一蓝色的月亮,也从史泰博或复印店了。If you only send faxes once in a blue moon, do it from Staples or a copy shop.

几乎所有的商业公司都使用传真机传送打印的材料或图表。Almost all the commercial companies use faxes to transmit printed material or drawings.

运用媒体,给你的政治家们打电话,给他们发带有图片的信和传真。Use the media, phone your politicians, send letters and faxes with graphics and images.

按照双方往来电传,我们很高兴已售给你方50吨蓖麻子。In accordance with faxes exchanged, we are glad to have sold you 50 tons of castor beans.

我在等总部的紧急传真,我敢肯定昨天晚上这些传真就到了。I'm waiting for some urgent faxes from headquaters,I'm pretty sure they came in last night.

每天有成千上万的信件、电子邮件和传真涌入白宫。Tens of thousands of letters, e-mail messages and faxes arrive at the White House every day.

我们收到了1000多封读者关于在新的一年里打算要做的事的来信、传真和电子邮件。We got over 1000 letters, faxes and email from our readers about their New Year's resolutions.

我们收到读者发送过来的1000份信,传真和映觜,这些邮件是关于他们新年决心要做的事。We got over 1,000 letters, faxes and email from our readers about their new year's resolutions.

随着团队南移,金海岸的店发来传真,列出要买的物品和应付的价格。As the group heads south, the Gold Coast shop faxes a list of the products bought and the prices paid.

幸运的是,有一对夫妇的免费互联网在线传真服务,您可以使用发送传真。Luckily, there are a couple of free online Internet faxing services that you can use for sending faxes.

当连接上BellSouth的ANYWHERE传真服务后,WALT也可用以接收传真并回复。When connected to BellSouth’s ANYWHERE Fax service, WALT could also receive faxes and even reply to them.

传真好似商务人士的情人,你老是盼着她的到来,真来的时候大都是别人的。Fig1. Faxes are like business valentines, for whose arrival you are longing, but always destined to be others.

其中大多数是通过电子邮件来散播,有的则通过流氓网站,个别情况下也使用传真和电话。Most of them circulate as e-mails, but there are also rogue web sites and in some instances faxes and telephones are used.