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我是个无所畏惧的人。I’m a fearless person.

这让我无所畏惧。And this makes me fearless.

做一个真正无畏的人。Done a truly fearless person.

拥抱那些无畏的武将!Embrace the fearless warriors!

那么现在怎样,英勇无畏的领袖?So what now, oh fearless Leader?

无私者才能无畏。Only the selfless can be fearless.

她既坚韧又无所畏惧。She was tough and she was fearless.

带上无畏的洛和勇敢的梅来。With fearless Lowe and dashing May.

他不畏怯地注视著我。He looked at me with a fearless gaze.

当兵的都很勤奋、守时、勇敢。Soldiers are hardworking, punctual and fearless.

林州人真有一股大无畏的气概。The people of Linzhou displayed a fearless spirit.

那个勇敢的兵士宁当玉碎。The fearless soldier would rather die than give in.

一张无畏的小椅子,它会吠却不咬人。A fearless little chair, that barks but doesn't bite.

妈妈对意外事件的担心造就了我的无畏无惧。My mother’s fear of freak accidents made me fearless.

他不屈不挠的坚韧让他绝无恐惧。His dauntless fortitude makes him absolutely fearless.

神兵战士从天而降,他们临难无惧、视死如归。Fighting soldiers from the sky, Fearless men who jump and die.

从前,有一个叫做天不怕的酋长。Once upon a time, there was a famous chieftain named Fearless.

为什么天不怕,地不怕的你,却偏偏怕他?Why is the sky fearless of you has chosen to be afraid of him?

少校把他自己那份无所畏惧的勇气灌输给了士兵们。The major impregnated the soldiers with his own fearless courage.

“不惧”是从意志上说的,即勇敢而无所畏惧。"fear" is from the will of the said, that the brave and fearless.