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我之前和这人见过一次。I had met the fella once before.

这个小伙子中等个头儿。The fella has a moderate stature.

过上了新生活。我听说她找了一个新的爱人。I hear she's got herself a new fella.

力宏,伙伴,最近有什么新情况?So, Lee Hom. What's new with you , fella?

但是你没有告诉我有关吉利根的情况。But you didn't tell me about a fella named Gilligan.

嗨,路卡,你又换新链子了,伙计?。Hey, Luca, is that a new chain you're wearin', fella?

很多年来,可怜的秦王没有睡过一个安稳觉。Poor fella hasn't gotten a good night's sleep in years.

小伙计你怎么在这里?没想到还能再看到你。Why, hello there, little fella. Didn't think I'd see you again.

嗨,这个大小伙子不仅是我儿子,也是我最亲密的伙伴。Hi, a big fella here, not only he is my son, he is my best buddy.

是的,我想念那个被绕前时,努力抢位置的大个子。Yes I miss the big fella trying to establish position when fronted.

但经过两周的训练,他令我刮目相看,他可以在场上自如地移动。But two weeks working with him, I'm impressed. The big fella can move.

我真不该怀疑你你听见吗,小家伙?。How could I ever have doubted you?- Did you hear that, little fella? 44

真的没有理由。那个保安人员后面的家伙看起来和你很像。No reason, really. Just the fella behind the security guard looks a lot like you.

但经过两周的训练,他令我刮目相看,他可以在场上自如地移动。I thought he'd be rusty. But two weeks working with him, I'm impressed. The big fella can move.

能看到这个好家伙回来真的很棒,但他还需要上场比赛找回状态。当然他也还需一些路去恢复最佳。It's great to see the big fella back but he needs games. He's still got a fair bit of fitness to come.

我们正在谈论的这个家伙根本没有看得见的收入来源但去年支付了二百万法郎的税。We're talking about a fella with no visible source of income, who paid tax on FRF 2 million last year.

人们认为,如果上帝能直接和你交谈,那么上帝就不会听起来像是你的隔壁邻居一样。February 18People assume that if God were to talk directly with you, God would not sound like the fella next door.

星期一,当主人全家都出门了,两个宠物在厨房墙上的电话下碰头,“你相信我的计划吗,老伙计!”On Monday, when the family had gone, the two pets met beneath the telephone on the kitchen wall. “Are you with me, big fella?”

有一天穿着老土的小伙子带着很深的黑框眼镜来到酒吧想试试这项挑战。Then one day this geeky little fella with heavy black rimmed glasses came into the bar and asked if he could try the challenge.

火箭队下半场开局不错,姚明几乎罚中了所有的球。好的,围绕这个大家伙打球真不错。Great executions to start off the 2nd half by the Rockets. Yao had a role in almost every one these FGs. Nice all-around game big fella.