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货币改革的惨败将会加快这些趋势。The currency fiasco will accelerate these trends.

真不幸,我的四川特色菜在媳妇面前不战自败。Unfortunately my Sichuan food turned out to be a fiasco.

1961年的猪猡湾惨败是另一个美国干预他国的例子。The Bay of Pigs fiasco of 1961 was another example of the U.

花旗集团的购机惨败一事对某些人来说同样是令人对银行业者信心崩溃的。To some, Citi’s aeroplane fiasco is equally confidence-sapping.

这最糟糕的八分钟是似乎是空前绝后的”。This fiasco was worse than any of them, and seemed interminable.

鉴于几年前,在埃德·塞尔事件中惨败,公司仍处在余震之中。The company was still reeling from the Edsel fiasco a couple of years back.

这次惨败更加坚定了肯尼迪认为富米毫无能力的看法。This fiasco confirmed Kennedy's impression of Phoumi's singular incompetence.

在这一次系统化大规模的袭击中,人类遭到了致命性的惨败。In this first systematic large-scale attacks, the human race was the deadly fiasco.

帕格心想,沃特杰岛一战的惨败必定使他心情沉重,认为是对前程的一个很大打击。Pug thought that the Wotje fiasco must be weighing on him as a blight on that career.

不管中国的动机是什么,一些专家表示这些拘留行动是一次公关危机。Regardless of China's motive, some experts say the detentions are a public relations fiasco.

不管中国的动机是什么,一些专家表示这些拘留行动是一次公关危机。Regardless of China’s motive, some experts say the detentions are a public relations fiasco.

⊙、最容易通向惨败之路的莫过于模仿以往英雄们的计划,把它用于新的情况中。The easiest way to the road to the fiasco imitate heroes plan before, it used in the new situation.

而英国的这场表演彻底失败比任何一个都坏,甚而在八分钟似乎无法终止。This British fiasco was worse than any of them, and even at only eight minutes seemed interminable.

特拉维斯说,这个事件损害了默多克在英国,也或许在美国的地位。Travers says the fiasco has undermined Murdoch in Britain and may do so in the United States as well.

戈尔巴乔夫时期苏共意识形态领域的一系列失误埋下了苏共彻底失败的“种子”。A series of ideological mistakes committed by the CPSU in the Gorbachev period sowed the "seeds" of its fiasco.

这场围绕着加油机项目的近十年拉锯战被看成是一次典型的失败,但是纳税人居然从中获利了。The nearly decade-long tanker battle is typically viewed as a fiasco. But taxpayers actually benefited from it.

我们牧师从不会错过机会教育,将他的惨痛经验变成一个非常好的讲道例证。他引用路易斯C。Never one to miss a homiletical opportunity, Peter turned this fiasco into a fine sermon illustration, quoting C.

如今,次贷危机和依然正在进行的住宅拍卖浪潮正驱使许多人要求制定新的规则。Now, the subprime fiasco and a still unfolding wave of home foreclosures are prompting many to call for new rules.

他以这次“总统”大选惨败为例,痛批谢长廷与他切割,所以才会败选。He cited the "presidential" election fiasco , for example, Frank Hsieh lashed out with his cutting, it would defeat.

他曾公开表示将在今年春天出任雅虎董事一职,但不久之后支付宝事件爆发,他又放弃了这一决定。Shortly after disclosing publicly that he’d taken his position in the spring, he abandoned it after the Alipay fiasco broke.