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修改拜杜法案确实有其风险。Fiddling with Bayh-Dole does bear risks.

理查德在摆弄这辆福特车里的收音机。Richard was fiddling with the Ford's radio.

要戴好这种耳机你也你要花很大的功夫。They also take a lot of fiddling to put on.

关注抓挠或拨弄衣服的动作。Look for scratching or fiddling with clothing.

我开始把它搞搞弄弄,我想出了这个字母。I start fiddling with it. I came up with this letter.

“陌生人”,帕皮说,“那是一流的演奏。"Well, stranger, " Pappy said, "that was first-class fiddling.

民主党被指篡改州法律为本党谋私。Democrats were accused of fiddling with state law for partisan advantage.

而玩弄汇率的把戏只会使我们的调整措施偏离了正确的方向。By fiddling with currencies, however, the adjustments needed are being deflected.

他老是玩弄收音机上的刻度盘,一定会把它弄坏的。He keeps fiddling with the dials on the radio, he is sure to put it out of order.

商人们用这两样东西来惩罚那些极度活跃而又无所事事的员工。Businessmen blame Labour for fiddling around hyperactively with both these things.

你看过哪位推销员没有摆弄他的黑莓手机或是没有通过黑莓手机讲话吗?Have you ever seen a sales guy not fiddling with or talking on his Blackberry phone?

我不耐烦地开着发动机,调试电台听着一些东西。I turn on the engine impatiently. I’m fiddling with the radio when I hear something.

乐观主义者却认为,对于货币无足轻重也许会受益于今天的主导趋势。Optimists, however, argue there may be benefits from today’s fad for currency fiddling.

她把我的孩子们带到花园里,等她回来时发现我在玩弄她的CD机。She took my kids into the garden and, on returning, found me fiddling with her CD player.

“托尼”有一把口径为38的枪,他只能是自己把玩才能弄清楚怎么使用。"Tony", who owns a . 38 calibre handgun, learnt how to use his weapon by fiddling with it.

乱翻沙发垫找遥控器的时代就要终结了。It might spell the end of fiddling around for remote controls in between the sofa cushions.

伊拉克人摆弄着手机招摇过市就像纽约人身上挂着iPod一样,是一种时尚。Iraqis fiddling with their cell phones on the streets look like New Yorkers hooked on iPods.

一个极小的刚进入视野的影像,甚至最模糊的画面也被拍摄得很清晰。A little fiddling with the incoming image and even the blurriest picture snaps right into focus.

处理多个浏览器时可能遇到的一个实际问题就是如何避免窗口混乱。One practical problem you might run into while fiddling with multiple browsers is window clutter.

你开始躲避触碰这段程序,你为不需要再处理这段程序而高兴。You'll feel like avoiding that piece of code, and you are glad when you are done fiddling with it.