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而是自信、狠下的决心和母亲。Fiercely determined. Mother.

炉火炽烈。The stove is burning fiercely.

她凶猛地向他扑来。She rushed fiercely toward him.

聪明绝顶的完美主义者。Fiercely intelligent and a perfectionist.

他们猛烈地对敌作战。They fought against the enemies fiercely.

杰斯特罗狠狠地对他侄女皱起眉头。Jastrow knit his brow fiercely at his niece.

狗和野猫猛烈厮打。The dog struggled fiercely with the wild cat.

敲了两下门,心上还突突直跳。I knocked on the door with heart fiercely beating.

不要去问它现在为什么如此渴求自主经营。No wonder why it now fiercely defends its autonomy.

那只母猫凶猛地打斗以保护她的幼仔。The mother cat fought fiercely to defend her young.

我们爬的越高,风就刮得越猛。The higher we climb, the more fiercely the wind blows.

错觉的飓风从四面八方猛然地狂吹!Fiercely the hurricane of delusion rages on every side!

那间草棚已变成了一堆发着亮光的灰烬。The shed was already a heap of embers glowing fiercely.

“我要砸烂象巴勒斯那样的人,”大卫气愤地说。I want to crush men like Barras, " David said fiercely ."

另一块业务就是现在竞争激烈的“数字家庭”市场。The other is the fiercely contested “digital home” market.

当谈到竞争对手时,郭台铭誓死捍卫自己的领地。When it comes to competitors, Gou fiercely guards his turf.

那个不屈的人凶猛地刺穿田野�的盾牌.The unyielding man fiercely pierced the shield in the field.

他们是一群极端个人主义的人,应当坚持使用“我”。They are a fiercely individual bunch and should stick with I.

大圣人曾遭受日本全国猛烈的反弹攻击。The Daishonin was fiercely attacked by people throughout Japan.

他很能干,极度忠诚,也不介意打硬仗。He was effective, fiercely loyal, and didn’t mind a tough fight.