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菲菲拉平兔子是一个非常时髦。Fifi Lapin is an extremely stylish rabbit.

难道你没有看见我的小菲菲在座位上吗?Can't you see my little Fifi is using that seat?

几年之后菲菲成为了女头领,九个后代中存活了七个,是所有雌性大猩猩中留下后代最多的一个。Years later Fifi climbed to top matriarch, with seven of nine offspring surviving—the most of any female.

古德给她的猩猩命名——白胡子大卫、燧石、起重机、热火、弗罗和菲菲——这让学者们震怒。Goodall gave her chimps names – David Greybeard, Flint, Goliath, Passion, Frodo and Fifi – much to the irritation of academics.

就算只是沿着街区溜溜狗,或者到最近的杂货店胡乱抓一把香蕉,那就去吧。Even if you are only walking Fifi around the block or strolling to your nearest grocery store to grab some more Chunky Monkey, just GO.

那是一个星期天的上午,刚上一年级的女儿菲菲说要去公园里玩,我们也没有什么事,就和她一起走出了家门。That was a Sunday morning, just on a year's daughter, Fifi said, go to the park to play, we do not have anything on with her out of the house.

当一位神秘的创办人表现出不承认这笔钱的迹象后,菲菲和他的死党在后台发起飙来,骂他是“混帐东西”,用枪顶住了他的脸颊。When the mysterious promoter shows signs of not coughing up the money, Fifi and chums storm backstage, call him a "motherfucker" and shove a shotgun in his face.

简.古道尔初次踏入非洲丛林43年后,Fifi再次做了妈妈,Frodo已是雄性首领,Gremlin则在教她的双胞胎怎么钓白蚁吃。Forty-three years after Jane Goodall first set foot in the forests of Africa, Fifi is a mom again, Frodo is the alpha male, and Gremlin is teaching her twins to fish for termites.

当时她已经在冈贝考察了15个月,收集了大量的野外数据,这些数据大多是通过对某些黑猩猩个体的耐心观察而得到的,珍还给这些黑猩猩分别取名为灰胡子大卫、麦克、奥利和菲菲。By then she had 15 months of field data from Gombe, most of it gathered through patient observation of individuals she knew by monikers such as David Greybeard, Mike, Olly, and Fifi.

多数雌猩猩最多会将两到三只幼仔带到生殖成熟期,而Fifi产下的后代包括四只成年、两只健康的青年、和一只少年猩猩,现在又多了个新生儿。Most females don't raise more than two or three offspring to reproductive maturity, but Fifi has four adult offspring, two healthy adolescents, a juvenile, and now a brand new infant.

当时她已经在冈贝考察了15个月,收集了大量的野外数据,这些数据大多是通过对某些黑猩猩个体的耐心观察而得到的,珍还给这些黑猩猩分别取名为灰胡子大卫、麦克、奥利和菲菲。Everything. " By then she had 15 months of field data from Gombe, most of it gathered through patient observation of individuals she knew by monikers such as David Greybeard, Mike, Olly, and Fifi.