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是匹小母马喽?A little filly , was it?

我想要个孩子的名字菲伊聚苯乙烯我爱你。I want to name a baby filly PS I Love You.

这匹小牝马本季度曾两次参赛。The filly has been raced twice this season.

这匹小母马本季度曾两次参赛。The filly has been raced twice this season.

这匹小牝马本季度曾两次参赛。The filly has been raced twice this season.

我需要五十美元,但还差十美元。I need filly dollars, but Pm ten dollars short.

小雌马–一匹四岁或更年青的雌马。Filly female horse that is 4 years old or under.

这地方真肮脏,年轻女孩们里大部分都有毒瘾。Dirty place, filly people and most of them addicts.

当你想要母驹的时候,母马总给你生的东西。What your mare always gives you when you want a filly.

只是在星期一,一个2岁的小母马死在丘吉尔唐斯在路易斯维尔碰撞后,与另一马。Just on Monday, a 2-year-old filly died at Churchill Downs in Louisville following a collision with another horse.

她是一个年轻的菲伊,当我第一次见到她,我看到的第二个她,我知道她会成为我生命中的很大一部分很快。She was a young filly when I first met her and the second I saw her I knew she would become a big part of my life soon.

肯塔基州赛马大会中获得第二名的小母马在比赛后被杀死的事件震惊了世界赛马界。The horse racing world is reeling after yesterday's second-place filly in the Kentucky Derby was put down just after the race.

在昨天的“肯塔基德比”赛马比赛中,跑在第二位的小雌马赛后摔倒,这一事引起了赛马界的重新审视。The horse racing world is reeling after yesterday's second-place filly in the Kentucky Derby was put down just after the race.

尽你所能地奖励那些谁与一个美丽的菲伊等进行了为那些谁等待下一代的荣誉母马的代码!Do your best to reward those who wait with a beautiful filly to carry on the mare code of honor for the next generation of those who wait!

小雌马出于强烈的好奇心把它的头硬是挤进了树干的空隙里,这样才有了人们救马这一幕。The young filly needed to be freed from the tree after curiosity got the better of it and it wedged its head between separate sections of the trunk.

本文探讨了如何在文学翻译中最大限度地提高文化等值的“度”,以便读者更好地欣赏异域文化。The paper discusses how to improve the degree of cultural equivalence in literary translation in order that readers can filly appreciate foreign culture.

此外,通过教学方法的改革,教师素质的提高,各种类型课程的展开,全面贯彻创业教育的内容。Moreover, with the reforming the teaching ways, improving the teachers?qualities and outspreading all kinds of courses, the enterprise education can be filly implemented.

商鞅把防范官吏犯罪作为建构法治社会的核心问题,主张充分发挥法律的防范功能。Shang Yang , who considered keeping bureaucracy away crime as the hardcore of constructing a legislated society, hold filly bringing the protect function of law into play.

充分考虑水对射流的影响以及浅海废弃油井的结构特点,设计出符合实际的线型聚能切割器。Considering filly the infection of water to jet and the structure characteristic of oil wells be disused in shallow sea. Design linear shaped charge cutters of answer for the fact.