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我每次都唱“压轴戏”。I sing the "grand finale" every time.

你对第二季结局的感觉怎样?How do you feel about the season finale?

最后敷上温暧的护肤液和痱子粉。The finale was warmed lotion and baby powder.

我们对最终乐章感觉如何,这感觉从何而来Well, how do we feel now about the finale and why?

请问即将到来的结局章会是怎么样的?。What can you tell us about the upcoming season finale?

毫无疑问,如此黑幕重重的戏剧配得上更让人轰动的结局。SURELY a drama this dark deserved a more explosive finale.

欢迎来到2013年欧洲歌唱大赛总决赛现场!Welcome to the grand finale of the Eurovision Song Contest 2013.

渐渐地,以滚雪球方式形成一个大群舞的主宰直到曲终。Gradually, one large, snowballing finale will dominate the dance-off.

花开花落花无常,曲终曲散曲双亡。Whispering flowers bloom impermanence, Qu finale Sanqu sometimes both.

本次电影节的终曲是卡斯特罗的短片赛。The finale of the festival is the short film competition at the Castro.

这季的最后一集现在已经基本成形了,相当出乎意料。The season finale is taking shape now and it’s going to be quite a surprise.

在低迷时期掌控着公司发展成为79岁的夏普的最后的使命。Steering the firm through the downturn became the 79-year-old Sharp's finale.

一种解毒剂的旗帜迎风招展的巨大香水在展会期间的压轴。A huge banner for Antidote perfume was unfurled during the show's grand finale.

决赛当天的所有乐器必须是现场伴奏。All accompaniments in the Grand Finale must be presented in a live performance.

汉密尔顿和马萨全年都表现得很出色,这个结尾也确实太大起大落了。They both did a really great job all year and in the end it was a dramatic finale.

在这个选秀节目的巅峰时期,2004到2005年,有超过4亿观众挂看了最后的一场节目。At its peak in 2004-5, more than 400 million viewers watched the finale of the show.

西班牙第一轮与智利的压轴之战可能从场面上看,是会是一场好看的比赛。Spain's first-round finale with Chile may appear on the surface to be the better match.

令我们激动的是,届时北京儿童合唱团将为我们的结束曲进行演唱。I am excited that we will be joined for this finale by a Children's Chorus from Beijing.

如果你拥有一头长发,将他们做成松散的高髻,这样你就可以在收场时更顺利。If you’ve got long hair, put it in a loose updo that you can pull out during your finale.

很多美国职棒大联盟球员代表本国参赛,日本队在决赛中击败古巴队夺冠。With many U.S. major leaguers playing for their homelands, Japan beat Cuba in the finale.