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手指画。Finger painting.

我切到手指了。I cut my finger.

使用你的手指。Use your finger.

哎哟,我切到手指了.Ow,I cut my finger.

哎呀!我切到手指了。Ouch! I cut my finger.

不小心扎伤手指。Careless finger pricks.

正电极双层印刷。Finger double printing.

手指速算法。Finger speed algorithm.

是的,我是吮了一个手指。Yes, I sucked a finger.

我的手指淤青泛紫。My finger is all purple.

那干嘛剪指甲呢?Why cut my finger nails?

凯西把手指划破了。Kathy has cut her finger.

大量的手指俯卧撑。A lot of finger press-ups.

由于它咬了我的手指。Beause it bit my finger so.

前移这根手指到。I advance this finger to 3.

请勿以手指测试刀锋的锋利度。Do not test sharp by finger.

她在向我坚指头吗?。Is she giving me the finger?

放一只船在你手指的波浪。Sail a boat on finger waves.

她金色的手指搭在唇边。Her golden finger on her lip.

你是如何弹奏这篇作品的?How do you finger this piece?