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农村沼气建设迎来了前所未有的发展机遇。Rural firedamp construction welcomed unprecedented development opportunity.

正中梁上挂着一盏如同电灯般亮的沼气灯。In the middle of there is on bridge as the bright firedamp light like electric lamp.

甲烷作为瓦斯、天然气、沼气等的主要成分,是易燃易爆气体。Methane is inflammable and explosion hazard gas as the basis of mash gas, firedamp and rock gas.

本系列配电装置适用于煤矿井下及其周围介质中有甲烷、煤尘等爆炸性混合气体的环境中。This series distribution device is applicable for coal mine with firedamp or coal dust in the ambient.

人们熟知的可再生能源有太阳能、风能、水力、沼气等。People is hep but second birth the sources of energy has solar energy, wind energy, hydraulic, firedamp to wait.

二是积极普及沼气池,改燃节柴,保护森林资源。It is to popularize firedamp pool actively, change bavin burning a red-letter day, protect silvan natural resources.

我国煤炭安全生产事故频发,近年煤矿瓦斯事故较为严重。Accidents of safety in production always happen in coalmine, it is more serious of coalmine firedamp in recent years.

随着贵阳市沼气建设的快速发展,沼气后续维护管理问题日益突出。The follow-up maintenance of firedamp pools is becoming the major problem with increase of the firedamp pool quantity.

中国是世界上生产人工沼气较早、目前又是沼气池数量最多的国家。China is the production on the world artificial firedamp is earlier, current it is the country with firedamp pool maximum amount.

根据情况酌用碳酸氢钠、乳酸钠或三羟甲基氨基甲烷治疗。Drink according to the circumstance with bicarbonate sodium, lactic acid natrium or methylic and amino firedamp treats 3 hydroxide.

煤矿发生瓦斯爆炸的过程实质是井下气体状态发生突变的过程。The actual processes of firedamp explosion in coal mines involve a catastrophic processes occurring in air conditions of underground coal mines.

长期以来,我国一直沿用传统的矿山统计法和瓦斯含量法来预测矿井瓦斯涌出量,这两种预测方法都有各自的适用条件和局限性。The methods based on the old statistics and firedamp content have been used to predict the gas emission in China, yet it was unsuitable and inaccurate in some special conditions.