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因此,它的花语就是-华丽。Therefore, its floral language is flamboyance.

鲜艳的色彩让整个脸庞都华丽明亮起来。Vivid color makes the whole face flamboyance and brightness.

开花植物的出现给地球带来了绚丽的景色。The appearance of flowering plants brought a new flamboyance to the planet.

在花哨炫耀之下是一个严肃认真的运动员,与郑大世共事过的人都这么说。Beyond the flamboyance is a serious athlete, say those who have worked with him.

在任何社交场合中,他们散发的非凡气质、尊贵感与魅力,很容易让人一眼认出。At any social occasion, they are easily identified by their charisma, flamboyance and magnetism.

长相并不需要华丽来修饰,但喜欢微笑的人,给人的印象就是最美的!Looks didn't need the flamboyance to modify, but like smiling people, create the impression that the most beautiful!

该片在道义上是暧昧不清的,并且刻意背离这名导演在其以荣耀为主题的鼎盛时期的那种追求刺激的华丽风格。It is morally ambiguous and purposefully divorced from the thrill-seeking flamboyance of the director's glory-glory days.

许曼克来自厦门,亚热带海风的吹拂使得自然清澈艳丽。Ms. Xu Manke Lives in Amoy, a port city in Southeast China, where sea wind of subtropics brings lucidity and flamboyance to nature.

义大利喜欢高度技巧和实际的,而西班牙足球就是灿烂夺目而永远是次要的。The Italians like it highly technically and pragmatic and Spanish football is all flamboyance with defence very much second priority.

心想我大老远跑来探望,也许我不该穿的这么华丽,可是你也犯不着这样揭我的疮疤吧!He thought that I come far to visit you, and perhaps I should not wear so flamboyance clothes but you shouldn't rip up my scar like this.

卡扎菲因浮华而古怪的生活方式以及痴迷于对权力的绝对控制而出名,也因此在国外遭到讽刺。The colonel came to be known─and lampooned abroad─as much for his flamboyance and eccentric lifestyle as for his obsession with absolute control.

爸爸穿的身份华丽,一条深蓝色的裤子和白色的短袖衬衫,很好的映衬了妈妈的艳丽。Dad was resplendent in dark blue pants and a white short-sleeved shirt, providing a quiet background for Mom's flamboyance.We all piled into the car.

爸爸穿的身份华丽,一条深蓝色的裤子和白色的短袖衬衫,很好的映衬了妈妈的艳丽。Dad was resplendent in dark blue pants and a white short-sleeved shirt, providing a quiet background for Mom’s flamboyance. We all piled into the car.

但他那种使“绚烂复归平淡”的生活化的艺术和艺术的生活化,也显现出了当代艺术发展的另一种可能。" But his art becomes more life-oriented, which is "a return to simplicity from flamboyance". And this makes it possible for contemporary art to develop.

其光泽艳丽,手感滑爽、柔软、不褪色、不毡缩、更具有独特的羊毛产品,“可机洗”易护理特性。Specialized wool products with flamboyance brilliance, liveliness hand feeling, soft, non fading, non felt and characteristics of machine wash and maintenance free.