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留心那门炮,它有炮尾焰。Mind that gun,it's flaring back.

介绍了导管弯曲扩口模的结构特点及模具工作过程。Introduced the die design of tube necking and flaring die.

石油生产国和公司应该进一步采取措施减少天然气燃除活动。Oil-producing countries and companies should step up efforts in reducing flaring.

出租车停在一条狭窄而且空无一人的街上,街尽头孤零零地亮着一盏煤气灯。The taxi stopped in a narrow, solitary street with a single gas-lamp flaring at the end.

“蠢猪!”她恶毒地咒骂他,两只鼻孔张得大大的,露出了极端蔑视的神情。"Pig! " she spat out at HIM viciously, her nostrils flaring in a look of savage disdain.

当他们的身体被摧毁的时候,这种脉搏迸发而出,就会看到一种暗淡的蓝光。Once that body is destroyed, the psionic pulse dissipates , flaring with a pale, bluelight.

这是紧密吻合,一路过关斩将,到大腿或膝盖,燃烧低于指出。It is closely fitted all the way through to the thighs or knees, flaring out below that point.

它那长着展开的有色肉冠和巨大钩状鹰嘴的残暴的脑袋木断地向两边扭来扭去。Its cruel head with flaring coloured crest and huge hooked beak twists constantlyfrom side to side.

油灯一盏油灯,灯芯浸没在油里散发著光芒,吹嘘著自己能比太阳给予更多的光芒。A lamp, soaked with too much oil and flaring brightly, boasted that it gave more light than the sun.

通过水工模型试验研究,提出了采用淹没式宽尾墩消力池联合消能方式。Based on hydraulic model tests, a new submerged flaring pier energy dissipation tool was put forward.

用其端面进行表面磨削的圆柱、直杯及外展杯状砂轮。Cylinders, straight cups, and flaring cups are used for surface grinding with the end face of the wheel.

利用垃圾场渗出的气体来发电是一个更加妥善的垃圾处理法,比简单地将其一烧了之要强一些。Producing power from the gas that seeps out of landfills is a better alternative than simply flaring it.

悲哀的是,永无休止的天然气燃烧带来的伤害以及从未被清理的漏油对他们来说是很正常的事情。The damage from endless gas flaring and oil spills that have never been cleaned up is pathetically normal.

提升的眉毛,微启的双唇,微张的鼻孔和张大的眼睛,使得整张脸呈现一种友好而舒展的表情。The raised brows, parted lips, flaring nostrils and wide eyes give the whole face a friendly "open" expression.

几个同事和我毅然选择了外飘,凭借自己的力量发展新的事业。Several colleagues and I resolutely choose the amount of flaring , on its own, the development of new undertakings.

这是我们第一次决定重定向航天器,去关注一个有趣的发光体。This is the first time that we have ever chosen to repoint the spacecraft to look at an interesting flaring object.

剧院檐口上的一排煤气灯发出夺目的光芒,把人行道照得雪亮。On the pavement outside , the row of gas jets flaring on the cornice of the theater cast a patch of brilliant light.

臀部合体的喇叭裙长及踝骨,并有数层荷叶边或折叠花边。The flaring skirt was fitted at the lips, ankle-length and hand several rows of ruffles, somethimes pleated flounces.

臀部合体的喇叭裙长及踝骨,并有数层荷叶边或折叠花边。The flaring skirt was fitted at the hips, ankle-length and hand several rows of ruffles, some- times pleated flounces.

“如此高能量耀斑预示着恰巧接近那边耀斑区域的行星上的任何的生物体、生命体都将致病”。Such powerful flares bode ill for any possible biology, life, on any planet that happens to be close to that flaring star.