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让我把枕头拍松一下。Let me fluff the pillow.

还是柔软若鸭绒?。Or soft as eiderdown fluff?

还是柔软似棉凫的绒毛?。Or soft as eiderdown fluff?

一小撮绒毛能变成你的温床A bit of fluff would be your bed

他刷去了夹克上的绒毛。He brushed some fluff from his jacket.

你的小混球们毁了我的离子烫。Your little fluff balls ruined my perm.

花柱长约6毫米,被柔毛。Style grows about 6 millimeter, by fluff.

华丽的润色是完全没有必要的。Embellishment and fluff are not necessary.

雪压冬云白絮飞,万花纷谢一时稀。Winter clouds snow-laden, cotton fluff flying.

有没有人想过,“这是个不重要的角色“?Did anyone think, "this is just a fluff character"?

你身上穿的这件细纱衣裳,就是从波浪里飞出来的浪花。And all this fluff of muslin about you is the froth.

当然,托利党要犯错,也有的是时间。Of course, there is time for the Tories to fluff it.

当干,干绒毛睫毛刷和卷曲一次。When dry, fluff lashes with dry brush and curl again.

秋天来临了,会落下木棉花的绒毛和种子。Autumn has arrived, and will fall Kapok fluff and seeds.

游丝软系飘春榭,落絮轻沾扑绣帘。Gently the willow fluff wafts to the embroidered screen.

中色调和深色调地毯绒毛衰败不太明显。Tones, and dark carpets fluff decline in not-so-obvious.

我站起来,抖抖毛,因为睡足了觉而心情舒畅。I stand up, fluff the hair, mood because of enough sleep.

在机器上整理不好,在机器部件上挂花。Poor housekeeping and fluff accumulation on machine parts.

红种人仍然用它的撮撮羽毛粘满全身。Red Men still stick themselves over with bits of his fluff.

毕竟以后你总会慢慢去除那些不足和荒谬的地方。After all, you can always cull the fluff and ridiculous later.