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后退的步数是按照前脚往后移的次数计算。The steps are counted as foreleg moves back.

后退的步数是按照前脚往后移的次数计算。The steps are counted as each foreleg moves back.

蝙蝠的翅膀和鼠的前腿是同源的。The wing of a bat and the foreleg of a mouse are homologous.

每条后肢在行进中都与前肢在同一侧。Each hind leg moves in the path of the foreleg on the same side.

我们的马摔断了右前腿,只好对它实行安乐死。Our horse had to be humanely destroyed after breaking his right foreleg.

一滴泪滑落了她的脸颊,她在我的前腿温柔的放了止血带。She gently placed a tourniquet around my foreleg as a tear ran down her cheek.

正确的姿势应是,右后腿早应向前迈,并且应该在跨出前腿之前就迈出后腿。In a proper depiction the hindleg would be forward too, having moved before the foreleg.

美洲豹巨大而厚实的头骨保护了他免于死亡,但子弹打瞎了他一只眼睛,并把左前腿射的粉碎。The jaguar's massively thick skull protects him from death, but the pellets blind him in one eye and shatter his left foreleg.

原则上,前蹄尖抬起的高度应达到另一侧前肢管部中段位置。In principle, the height of the toe of the raised foreleg should be level with the middle of the cannon bone of the other foreleg.

结果扣带回接受来自支配前肢和颜面部的运动区皮质以及额叶和躯体感觉区皮质的神经元投射。Result Cingulate cortex received projections from frontal cortex, motor cortex of foreleg area, face area and somatic sensory area.

例如,在意大利文艺复兴早期,扬起前腿的青铜马雕像的马蹄下通常踩着一个炮弹。For example, in the early Italian Renaissance, bronze statues of horses with a raised foreleg usually had a cannonball under that hoof.

就好像在意大利文艺复兴早期,踢出前腿马匹的青铜像往往有一个金属球置于它的前蹄下。For example, in the early Italian Renaissance, bronze statues of horses with a raised foreleg usually had a cannonball under that hoof.

你用前脚扒在井墙上,再把角竖直了,我从你后背跳上井去,再拉你上来,我们就都得救了。You use foreleg pick on the wall, and he placed trumpets vertical Wells, I jumped from your back well, again pull you up, we were saved.

原则上,前蹄尖抬起的高度应达到另一侧站立前肢管部中段位置。In principle, the height of the toe of the raised forefoot should be level with the middle of the cannon bone of the other supporting foreleg.

等吃完竹子后,她开始利用甜甜圈玩具做健身运动了,她用左前脚将其一分为二,然后就这么戴着它开始巡视四周。Done with that, she gave her plastic donut-shaped toy a workout, including inserting her left foreleg through it and walking around wearing it!

由于公众的关心,外科医生得以在一个特大的手术室里,为她做了长达个小时的手术,挽救了她。但是,她受伤的部分右前腿却被切除了。Thanks to a public appeal, surgeons saved her life by performing a mammoth three-hour surgery on her right foreleg which had to be partially amputated.

当她温柔的在我的前腿绑上了压脉带,她流下了眼泪,我轻轻舔了她的手,正如我这么多年来总是如此的安慰着你。She gently placed a tourniquet around my foreleg as a tear ran down her cheek. I licked her hand in the same way I used to comfort you so many years ago.

这种差异性表现为从前肢末端到动物体躯干部呈梯度递增,其递增梯度在两个亚种的个体中表现有同步变化的趋势。The difference increased progressively from the end of the foreleg to the body of Vulpes. The individuals of these two subspecies had the same gradient increasing tendency.

例如,研究人员发现在一家芬兰博物馆中的一副狗的骨架,其右前腿已经离地向前而其右后腿仍在后方。The researchers found, for example, that a skeleton of a dog at a Finnish museum depicts the right hindleg in a rearward position while the right foreleg is lifted and moving forward.

王菲前脚刚回北京,刘嘉玲就马不停蹄从上海辗转去看她,或许是去陪她手术,同时也帮忙修补夫妻关系吧。Foreleg Wong returned to Beijing, Carina Lau non-stop on the way from Shanghai to see her, perhaps she Qupei surgery, as well as the relationship between husband and wife to help repair it.