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这也是为什么,从FORTRAN开始,复数是这些语言的标准。This is why it was standard in languages dating back to FORTRAN.

系统软件用FORTRAN语言和8088汇编语言编写。The software of system was written in FORTRAN and 8088 assembly language.

资讯科技是大,多作家,对于数字的线。It is a large, multi-author, Fortran library for numerical linear algebra.

事实上,我们曾经开发的现在仍在使用的一些软件包就是使用的FORTRAN编译器。In fact, we developed and still use a package that is based on a FORTRAN complier.

在那些如FORTRAN和BASIC之类的语言中,这个单元被称做子程序。In languages such as FORTRAN and BASIC, the units are called subroutines or subprograms.

在计算T矩阵的程序中,绝大部分都是通过FORTRAN语言实现的。Among programmes of computing T-Matrix, most of them are implemented in FORTRAN language.

其程序用8088汇编语言编制,为可供FORTRAN语言调用的子程序。The programs are written in the 8088 assembly in te form of FORTRAN callable subroutines.

如果说FORTRAN和COBOL是第一代高级编译语言,那么C语言就是它们的孙子辈。If FORTRAN and COBOL were the first compiled high-level languages, then C is their grandchild.

如果说FORTRAN和COBOL是第一代高级编译语言,那么C语言就是它们的孙子辈。If FORTRAN and COBOL were the first compiled high-level languages, then C is their grandchild.

若是说FORTRAN和COBOL是第一代初级编译说话,那么C说话就是它们的孙子辈。If FORTRAN and COBOL were the first compiled high-level languyears then C is their grandchild.

真正的程序员不用fortran写程序。fortran是让科学怪人用的。Real Programmers dont write in FORTRAN. FORTRAN is for pipe stress freaks and crystallography weenies.

事实上,NCL支持调用C和Fortran的外部程序,这将使NCL的功能更加强大。In fact, NCL supports calling C and Fortran external routines, which makes NCL infinitely configurable.

计算工具采用FORTRAN语言,采用TECPLOT软件为图形处理工具。Calculates the tool to use the FORTRAN language, uses the TECPLOT software for the graph processing tool.

从表面看来,这套并行库感觉和Fortran或C程序员在超级计算机使用的OpenMP库非常相似。On the surface this feels a lot like the OpenMP library used by Fortran and C programmers on supercomputers.

你是FORTRAN,你喜欢数学和科学。很多人听说过你,但是很少人再关心你了。You are FORTRAN You are an old-timer who likes math and science. Many have heard of you, but few care about you any more.

同时,在库中加入图形函数,使得能够使用FOR-TRAN语言编制绘图软件。HK1. LIB, In HK1. LIB, We add certain base plotting function, which is enable to make plotting in FORTRAN language program.

这种算法模型具有通用性,它表示的程序可以等价地变换为某种程序设计语言的程序文本,如FORTRAN或PASCAL程序。A program expressed in the model has generality which can be equivalently transformed into a program, e. g. , FORTRAN or PASCAL.

基于二元理论,用FORTRAN语言编程实现了高比转速混流泵叶轮的水力设计。Based on the two-dimension theory, a computer code is made in FORTRAN language to design the high specific speed mixed-flow pump.

应用MATLAB和FORTRAN语言,编制了相应的定回线源瞬变电磁三维异常特征反演可视化程序。Furthermore, a 3-D anomalous characteristics linear inversion code has been programmed with MATLAB language and FORTRAN language.

本文讨论自由曲在消除隐藏线的一种方法,并通过一个FORTRAN程序来实现。This paper describes a FORTRAN program for producing a perspective dr- awing of an arbitrarily curved surface with its hidden parts removed.