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一种睦邻友善之举。A sort of neighbourly friendliness.

他友善的微笑很快造成了友好的气氛。His kind smile soon generated friendliness.

她似乎将这理解为友善。She seemed to interpret this as friendliness.

安与戴安娜的友谊只是表面的。Ann's friendliness with Diana is only skin-deep.

他们的眼睛里充满了友善与和蔼。Their eyes were full of friendliness and bonhomie.

他的态度友善且毕恭毕敬。His manner was a blend of friendliness and respect.

你会发现狗既温顺又友好。You will find the dog's tractability and friendliness.

她假装友好来掩盖她的仇恨。She disguised her hate by a false show of friendliness.

“晚安,”他装出轻松友好的神气说道。"Good-night, " he said, simulating an easy friendliness.

猪崽子看到微笑,却误以为是友好的表示。Piggy saw the smile and misinterpreted it as friendliness.

友善是和蔼的必然特征。D. Friendliness is a defining characteristic of affability.

敌人用友好的外表来掩饰内心的敌意。The enemy mask their enmity under an appearance of friendliness.

广州白天鹅宾馆良好的服务态度是无与伦比的。The White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou can't be matched for friendliness.

充满友善及热情的面容。An facial expression that speaks of friendliness and warm-heartedness.

狄多友好而殷勤地接待这些著名的漂泊者。Dido received the illustrious exiles with friendliness and hospitality.

美国人的确在用“孔子”向中国表示友好。The United States has made use of Confucius to show friendliness to China.

同样道理,微笑也并不能总是解释为友好的表示。Similarly, the smile cannot always be interpreted as a sign of friendliness.

从美学角度研究礼乐,它的核心是美与善的关系。Esthetically, its nucleus is the relationship between ideal and friendliness.

确实如此,如果能够寻求建立全面的伙伴关系,大好机会就在前方等待。Indeed if full-scale friendliness were ever sought, an immense opportunity awaits.

他想找一个话题,使她一本正经的态度变得友好一点。He searched for a topic which would warm her office impersonality into friendliness.