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同样的说法也适用于基要主义。The same might be said for fundamentalism.

这种质朴冷酷的原教旨主义也许只是一种讥讽?Is this countrified bleak fundamentalism a spoof?

恐怖主义和原旨教主义都是与漠视、穷困、绝望紧密相联的。TERRORISM AND FUNDAMENTALISM ARE connected to ignorance, misery and despair.

教旨主义和分裂主义,当然是治理不善产生的直接结果。Fundamentalism and secessionism are of course a direct result of poor governance.

也许他们中的一些人正准备从原教旨主义变得更通情达理些。Perhaps some of them are getting ready to convert from fundamentalism to common sense.

皮尔士的“怀疑”概念始于对笛卡尔主义的批判。Peirce establishes fallibilismical fundamentalism in virtue of this conception of doubt.

今天在基督教正统派中的很多狂热分子就反映了这一行动原型。Many a present day fantasist in Christian fundamentalism reflects this archetype in action.

这对我来说是新鲜的,因为我以前跟父亲一样,都是不可知论者,我并无接触过基要派。It was all new to me because, like my father, I was an _and had not heard of fundamentalism.

这对我来说是新鲜的,因为我以前跟父亲一样,都是不可知论者,我并无接触过基要派。It was all new to me because, like my father, I was an agnostic and had not heard of fundamentalism.

作者也没能解决基督教和正统派犹太教反革命的冲动。The authors also fail to grapple with the anti-progressive impulses of Christian and Jewish fundamentalism.

印度总理还将恐怖主义、原教旨主义和地方自治主义称作是对印度统一的最大挑战。The prime minister also called terrorism, fundamentalism and communalism the biggest challenges to Indian unity.

该地区动乱与原教旨主义推进恰好同时发生的事实也属于一个典型现象。The fact that the turmoil in the region and the advance of fundamentalism are coinciding is a classic phenomenon.

资本主义4.0既不同于近来出现的自由市场原教旨主义,也不同于新政以来推行的里根经济学。Version 4.0 will be as different from the recent free-market fundamentalism as Reaganomics was from the New Deal.

你有没有关于中和福音主义和原教旨主义的影响,其他的分别不知道?Have you ever wondered about the difference between Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism and which influenced the other?

问题是为什么自由放纵与原教旨主义两者之间的对立存在于同一体系中。The question is why the contrast between liberal permissiveness and fundamentalism is totally immanent to the system.

对当前国际局势影响巨大的伊斯兰原教旨主义,其出现与发展决非偶然,而是有着深刻的政治、经济和历史根源。The appearance and development of the Islamic Fundamentalism which has a great effect on international situation is not by accident.

极端的宗教世俗化必然会导致极端的宗教神圣化,这就是现代伊斯兰原教旨主义产生的内在原因之一。Extreme secularization of religion results to extreme sanctification, and this is why modern Islamic fundamentalism comes into being.

游戏既不会训练其玩家成为真正的训练有素的特殊士兵,又不会诱惑谁去相信伊斯兰教原教旨主义。The game cannot train its players to be actual skilled special operations soldiers, nor is it likely to lure anyone into Islamic fundamentalism.

在911以后,我们便明了了二十一世纪的重要战斗发生在狂热的原教旨主义和宽容的态度之间。As was made clear on Sept. 11, the great struggle of the 21st century will be between the forces of fanatic fundamentalism and those of tolerance.

即使是梵蒂冈的推波助澜,上星期,红衣主教告诉教友们要注意科学的理性或回归原教旨主义的风险。Even the Vatican has weighed in, when last week a Cardinal told the faithful to pay attention to scientific reason or risk returning to fundamentalism.