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两次我都是默默地暗吞苦果,偷偷地擦干眼泪。Twice I had to swallow hard and furtively dry the tears.

那样我们就不必通过电邮来偷偷摸摸的谈话。Then we would not have to furtively bye-mail conversation.

他偷偷地瞄了一下两名侦探面无表情的脸孔。He glanced furtively at the stolid faces of the two detectives.

其他人都偷偷看着他,因为这种行为是违规的。Other eyes regarded him furtively , for this was a violation of the rules.

那只猫蜷着它那弯弯的尾巴,用舌头舔着嘴角,贼头贼脑地溜下楼去。The cat goes furtively downstairs, winding her lithe tail and licking her lips.

一个无精打采的人走过对面的拐角,偷偷地朝他这个方向看着。A slouchy figure crossed the opposite corner and glanced furtively in his direction.

预约的接站车没有来接我们,于是我们就只好混在人群中闲逛。The promised car was not there to meet us , so we loitered furtively among the crowds.

听到这,我似乎明白了,难怪我一进屋,母亲就暗暗掉泪啊!Listening it, I seemed to know why mother came to tears furtively when I entered the house.

某些求职者会蜷缩身体,茫然地瞟着房间四周,或是扭动出汗的手掌。Certain candidates hunch over, glance furtively around the room or wring their sweaty palms.

于是他悄悄地拿出那个雷管筒子,把扁虱放出来,放在那条平平的长条书桌上。Then furtively the percussion-cap box came out. He released the tick and put him on the long flat desk.

我是说他们那里也很好,但是他们急切的想知道更多,而且偷偷摸摸的做。I mean they're fine over there, too, but they have this urge to, like, to know more, and do it furtively.

一位穿着精心制成的圣诞老人服的紧张绅士正偷偷的向圣诞袜子里装东西。A nervous gentleman dressed in an elaborate Santa Clause costume is filling Christmas stockings furtively.

如果她妈妈正在看着,艾薇塔不想让自己表现得像个逃犯,这会让妈妈得到某种满足。If her mother was watching, Ivetta didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of seeing her behave furtively.

从此,老汉过个十天半月就偷偷来取一次金砂,日子很快富裕起来。Since then, the old man furtively fetched the gold sand once every half a month or so, so he became rich soon.

岁月流逝,不经意间,盛开的鲜花转眼而凋谢枯败。在这天堂里面,我也已成熟长大。Days slide away furtively accompanied by the bloom and the withering of flowers. I have grown up living in this paradise.

在屋子外面有警卫,我们通过偷偷的吞咽便纸和破坏录像带来销毁我们所掌握的证据。With guards right outside the room, we furtively destroyed evidence in our possession by swallowing notes and damaging videotapes.

所有这些过程,司法部门都是在全世界人民的众目睽睽之下,表现出遮遮掩掩、躲躲闪闪、偷梁换柱、改头换面,让人看了无所不用其极。In the process of coping with these situations, the judicial departments behaved furtively and deceived the world in the broad daylight.

有些女人会长年私藏丈夫的一些钱财,并借口说如果丈夫先走一步的话,这些钱财就能派上用场。Some women furtively stash away their husband's money over the years on the pretext that it would be of some assistance if he has to die first.

那当儿,四岁的马修一直在沙发上蹦跳,偷偷乱拨他不该碰的吉他,口里还絮絮叨叨个没完。All the while, four-year-old Matthew was bouncing on the couch, furtively strumming the guitar he wasn't supposed to touch and talking incessantly.

那当儿,四岁的马修一直在沙发上蹦跳,偷偷乱拨他不该碰的吉他,口里还絮絮叨叨个没完。All the while, four-year-old Matthew was bouncing on the couch, furtively strumming the guitar he wasn’t supposed to touch and talking incessantly.