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有很多博物馆和美术馆。A lot of museums and galleries.

欢迎你访问我的网上相册。Welcome to my online photo galleries.

瑞和堂文化艺术展览馆在哪里?Rui and Tang culture and art galleries where?

纽约地铁穿过了许多隧道。The New York subway gose through many galleries.

这个更有视觉效果。这里到处都是美术馆。It's more visual. And so it is filled with galleries.

一些泥砖屋和风塔已改装为画廊和餐厅。A few have been turned into galleries and restaurants.

全新的图片,图标和导图模板库Brand new galleries of images, icons, and map templates

在你住的饭店附近有几家商店和艺术馆。There're quite a few sho and galleries near your hotel.

她可以在各个房间游荡,可以在走廊里随意探奇。She wandered among the rooms and explored the galleries.

幸存者们在爬满老鼠的走廊上抢夺地上的残羹。Survivors in rat's galleries raping the poisoned ground.

他的作品挂满了世界各地的展览馆和博物馆。His work hangs in galleries and museums around the world.

露天的矿坑也逐渐演变成这地下无尽的隧道网。Open pits evolved into networks of underground galleries.

在你住的饭店附近有几家商店和艺术馆。There’re quite a few shops and galleries near your hotel.

他有两个画廊,一个在纽约比华利山。He also has two New York galleries and one in Beverly Hills.

有良多好中央——市尝艺术品市肆、陈设馆。There're lots of good places– markets, art shops, galleries.

那里有很多饱受赞美、风格迥异的画廊。And there's amazing different galleries and places to go there.

今年申请参展的350家画廊中,只有150家入选。Of 350 galleries who applied this year, only 150 were accepted.

心漂亮的雕塑,还有满是稀世珍宝的艺术展览馆。Central city and the art galleries with various valuable rarities.

而且,很容易在不同的图库之间共享照片。Furthermore, it's easy to share photos across different galleries.

有几个很酷的地下美术馆、俱乐部和诸如此类的地方。so you have few cool underground galleries and clubs and all that.