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四夸脱构成一加仑。Four quarts constitute a gallon.

这是指一加仑汽油可开多远。That's how far a gallon of gas goes.

每加仑45美分的补贴仍然在执行。The subsidy of 45 cents per gallon remains.

小苏打,量约为每加仑水一茶杯小苏打baking soda, about 1 cup per gallon of water

用干净的牛奶加伦容器图来收纳。Use a clean, milk gallon container to store them in.

英制的加仑与美制的容量不同。The imperial gallon is not the same size as the US one.

相比之下,福特翼虎每加仑汽油可行驶36英里。In contrast, the Ford Escape taxis get 36 miles per gallon.

一加仑汽油和尼龙工作裤落进了山谷。A gallon of gasoline and the nylon overalls ll into the valley.

一加仑汽油和尼龙工作服落进了山谷。A gallon of gasoline and the nylon overalls fall into the valley.

你能卖给我一加仑汽油,并借我一个装油的铁罐吗?。Can you sell me a gallon of gas and loan me a can to carry it in?

一种新的汽车可以让你用1加仑天然气驰骋3,145英里。A new kind of car traveled 3, 145 miles on a single gallon of gas.

单柱电梯使用55加仑装泵盖单位。Single Post elevator used with 55 gallon cover mounted pump units.

受市场悲观情绪影响,空方主力更是大举加仓。Under the influence of market pessimism, empty main is big gallon.

他大约喝了一加仑的肉豆蔻香粉水才相当于喝一杯啤酒的劲儿。He drank about a gallon of idiot juice to get the kick of one beer.

家庭主妇可以购买加仑装的牛奶而节省开支。Housewives can economize by buying their milk in gallon containers.

如果你汽油不够,可以从我的油箱里用虹吸管吸取一加仑。If you're short of petrol you can siphon off a gallon from my tank.

昨天,通用宣布说他们的一款新车每加仑汽油能跑230英里。Yesterday, GM announced a new car that will get 230 miles a gallon.

呆在床上,旁边有一加伦水和几瓶止痛药。Staying in bed with a gallon of water and a couple bottles of Advil.

今天尼桑说他们的新车能跑367英里。Today, Nissan said their new car is going to get 367 miles a gallon.

美国人平均每周要喝掉1加仑的苏打水。The average American guzzles nearly a full gallon of soda every week.