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所以各种不同档次的饮食俱乐部都有。So it runs the gamut.

表现色域宽。Performance wide color gamut.

他已经历尽人间沧桑。He's run the whole gamut of human experience.

从外形上看,雄性狼蛛形形色色。Male wolf spiders run the gamut in physical appearance.

柯维的这本书讲的是个人发展领域。Covey’s book runs the gamut in terms of personal development.

飞行过程中的用餐将很可能只有白开水。In-flight dining options will probably run the gamut from water to water.

简言之,我们在亚洲的关系无疑涵盖了各种各样的全球性挑战。In short, our relationships in Asia certainly run the full gamut of global challenges.

但这不意味着鸟类的颜色不会最终演变扩大出新的颜色。Pigmentary innovations evolved to broaden the gamut of possible communication signals.

这些要消耗从电池到非常复杂的电力管理系统的一切能源。These run the gamut from batteries to far more complex electricity-management systems.

许多职业,生活方式,已通过全部的生命和苏布经验。Many professions, ways of life, been through the whole gamut of life and Subud experience.

反应表现出诸如鼻塞、眼睛发红发痒等常见各种过敏症状。Reactions run the usual gamut of allergy symptoms such as a stuffy nose and red, itchy eyes.

提出了一种高饱和度小色差的色域匹配算法。A high saturation algorithm for gamut mapping with a minimized color difference is presented.

我有点失望,比老三星P400,不知这台东西有一半的色域。I'm a bit disappointed, comparing to my old samsung P400, this thing has half of the color gamut.

当我参加纯素食活动时,经常在整个过程会有纯素糕点、饼干和开胃菜。When I go to vegan events there are often vegan cakes, cookies and appetizers that run the gamut.

顺兴的茶种类丰富,从四川本地茶到全中国最好的茶,应有尽有。Shun Xing’s tea offerings run the gamut from local Sichuan teas to the finest teas in all of China.

本文提出一种基于感兴趣色域的离线颜色重现算法,实验证明色彩的还原度有所提高。In the study, an interesting gamut based off-line color reproduction method is used to enhance the co.

当然柯里亚也设计了不少其他不同性质的建筑如酒店,高层住宅等。But he has created a whole gamut of other buildings as well. Hotels and high-rise housing, for example.

爱控制着全方位从未经请求的建议和意见到批评和不合理的需求。Love control runs the gamut from unsolicited advice and opinions to criticism and unreasonable demands.

已提供的概要运行于从各种采购单格式到产品目录的整个范围。The provided schemata run the usual gamut from a variety of purchase order formats to product catalogs.

爱尔兰音乐有传奇般的历史,从传统的凯尔特声乐到U2的颂歌摇滚。Ireland's music has a storied history that runs the gamut from traditional Celtic sounds to U2's anthemic rock.