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医生用纱布包扎伤口。The doctor bound the wound with gauze.

床架上轻薄的纱帐。The frivolous gauze account on bedstead.

Sara转过身,扔掉用过的纱布。She turns and throws away the used gauze.

心里的白色纱裙还是记忆中飞扬的样子。The white gauze or in memory of the flying.

西风撩抖我的薄纱衣。The west wind ruffles my thin gauze clothing.

他抬起头我才看见,他的头上缠着纱布。He looked up and I saw, his head wrapped gauze.

之后,父亲每天为我涂药水、换纱布。As my father and smeared water daily, for gauze.

曲筱绡也一弃前嫌,与胜美拥抱。QuXiao gauze also abandon past, and wins the hug.

本发明还提供该纱网的制造方法。The making process of the gauze is also provided.

护士以一块无菌纱布覆盖他的伤口。The nurse used a sterile gauze to cover his wound.

幸福,是飘扬的白纱在风中舞蹈!Happiness is waving white gauze dancing in the wind!

用一块纱布或过滤网将果汁过滤一下。Strain the juice through a piece of gauze or a sieve.

醒时,身体逐渐蜕去一层薄纱。Awake, the body gradually exuviate go a layer of gauze.

我闭着眼睛,闻到了格蕾塔临终前所包扎的纱布的气息。I closed my eyes and smelled the gauze from her deathbed.

我一分钱都没得到,但我的大牙却给纱布包起来了。I didn't get any money, but my molar is wrapped in gauze.

求高手帮忙把下面的句子翻成英文“你,穿上婚纱,跟哥去教堂”Marriage gauze puts on to you, with elder brother, go to.

用纱布和胶布将胶管一端固定。Remove the tapes and gauze at ends of the polythene tubings.

但群众们依旧可以掀开薄纱一窥究竟。But spectators could still lift the gauze to get a better look.

曲筱绡坐在车里看到这一幕,不自觉的笑出了声。QuXiao gauze in the car to see this scene, involuntary laughed.

如果你想出去的话,我可以借给你一条纱巾,把脸蒙起来。If you want to go out, I can lend you a gauze to cover your face.