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我很喜爱盖尔森基兴的球场。I am in love with the Gelsenkirchen stadium.

我在盖尔森基兴时就知道迈克尔了。I know Michael from my time in Gelsenkirchen.

德国西部盖尔森基兴动物园,狐獴。Meerkats Gelsenkirchen zoo in western Germany.

密月与逆天过招后,死于毒手。Dense months after with fate, died in gelsenkirchen grips.

随着科隆周六在盖尔森基兴的失败而归,沙尔克保持已经在主场了对科隆的18年不败纪录。For FC Cologne the trip to Gelsenkirchen was once again a fruitless one on Saturday as the visitors failed to win at Schalke for the 18th year in succession.

在他国比赛以往对他们来说一直是一个问题,这次他们需要在盖尔森基兴与波兰的比赛前做好准备。Performing on foreign soil has been a problem in the past and one they will need to address before their crucial first match against Poland in Gelsenkirchen.

这是两回合制的第一场比赛,将在盖尔森基兴举行,边裁是汉森,诺雷斯德,第四官员是劳尔森。The game, which is valid for the second leg of the first round, will be played in Gelsenkirchen and assisted by Hansen, Norrestrand and fourth official Laursen.

英格兰队于盖尔森基兴被葡萄牙队淘汰,无缘本届FIFA世界杯4强之后,大卫贝克汉姆宣布他将辞去英格兰队队长之职。David Beckham has announced that he is standing down as England captain in the wake of the defeat in the FIFA World Cup quarter-final against Portugal in Gelsenkirchen.

盖尔森基兴首次被提起是在1147年的文件里,19世纪中在这里发现了丰富的煤矿资源使得这座城市工业化。Gelsenkirchen was mentioned in a document for the first time in 1147. The discovery of hard coal in mid- 1900 triggered the industrialisation of the Gelsenkirchen area.

这些曾经在温布利,巴塞罗那获得过冠军的人将把冠军杯亲手交还给欧足联主席约翰松,以及盖尔森基兴市市长奥里弗维特克。And just those who were the captains in Wembley, Barcelona and Vien , will hand back the trophy to UEFA president Lennart Johansson and Gelsenkirchen mayor Oliver Wittke.

在对拉齐奥和特雷维索获得两连胜之后,米兰又回到了欧洲赛场,他们将出征德国,在格尔森基尔辛的菲尔廷斯竞技场挑战沙尔克04。After two consecutive wins, against Lazio and Treviso, Milan are back in European action, with a trip to Germany on Wednesday to play Schalke 04 at the Veltins Arena in Gelsenkirchen.

这个来自盖尔森基兴的孩子职业生涯一片明朗,而且,厄齐尔是否能成为这一季“金球奖”的候选人将取决于他能带领这支球队走多远。The kid from Gelsenkirchen has an entire career ahead of him, and whether Oezil will emerge as a Ballon d'Or candidate this season will depend on what he can help achieve for his team.