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双子座,是你的生辰。Go Gemini its your birthday.

处女座和双子座的爱情匹配度Virgo and Gemini love compatibility

天秤和双子都是风象星座。Both Libra and Gemini are Air Signs.

宇宙站在你这一边,亲爱的双子座。The universe is on your side, dear Gemini.

双子座独霸了两个鸡翅。Gemini grabs both turkey wings for themselves.

这将启动在它的双子星系列旁边。It would launch the next in its Gemini series.

水瓶座和双子座,天秤座一样都是风象形作。Aquarius is an air sign, like Gemini and Libra.

天秤座和双子,水瓶一样,是一个风象星座。Libra is an air sign, like Gemini and Aquarius.

作为“双子星座8号”飞船的首席飞行员他进入太空。He went into space as Command Pilot of Gemini 8.

奥尔德林曾完成过“双子座”的最后一次太空飞行。Aldrin had flown on the last of the Gemini flights.

双子座真的是黄道带上的调情圣手吗?But the Gemini are really the flirts of the zodiac?

双子是社交性的,而天蝎喜欢隐私。Gemini is a social creature, Scorpio likes privacy.

积极获得的火星在周末正在进入双子座。Go-getting Mars is moving into Gemini at the weekend.

令人高兴的是,斯基拉发出无线电讯息双子座七个。Happily, Schirra sent a radio message to Gemini Seven.

双子宫的金星会加强你的魅力和吸引力。Venus in Gemini will enhance your charm and magnetism.

更重要的是,黄道带对双子座的爱情观有何影响?What can the zodiac reveal about the Gemini love-habits?

双子人爱挑战,是个天生的政治家。A Gemini man loves challenges and is a natural politician.

但双子座的上司从不安于现状。But Gemini bosses are never satisfied with the status quo.

这里我们将介绍些双子的个性特征。Here we emphasis on the personality traits of a Gemini man.

再次,斯基拉和斯塔福德爬了出来双子六。Once again, Schirra and Stafford climbed out of Gemini Six.