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然而,他也没有从委员长那里得到任何满意的回答。But Kao got no satisfaction from the generalissimo either.

差不多也就在这个时候,宋美龄嫁给了蒋介石。Almost at the same time, Madame Chiang threw in her lot with the generalissimo.

孙中山当选为中华民国军政府大元帅。Sun Yat-sen wins an election for China republic military government generalissimo.

现在局势确很危急,蒋介石亲自飞来满洲督战。That emergency was now on them and the generalissimo , himself, flew to Manchuria.

杜威州长的落选使蒋寄托于美国的最后一点希望落空,蒋本人跟着也完蛋了。Governor Dewey, the last white hope of Chiang Kai-shek, was defeated. And with him the generalissimo.

上世纪五十年代,大元帅佛朗西斯科·佛朗哥开始鼓励旅游,随后许多渔村成为度假胜地。fishing towns became resorts after Generalissimo Francisco Francobegan encouraging tourism in the 1950s.

阿伽门农被选为临时大元帅,这就是某种意义上的王Agamemnon has been chosen as the generalissimo and that is what gives him, temporarily, the title of wanax.

第二次世界大战结束的时候,蒋委员长似乎已成为世界上最强有力的统治者之一。When WWII ended, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek appeared to be one of the most powerful rulers in the world.

特洛伊远征队的首脑,阿伽门农,当时这类大统帅被称为瓦纳克斯The head of the expedition to Troy, Agamemnon, the sort of generalissimo of that expedition is called Wanax.

还是在七月间,我们党的代表周恩来同志,已经写信给蒋委员长。Our Party representative, Comrade Chou En-lai, wrote a letter to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek as early as July.

白崇禧和湖北省参议会立即向蒋提出实现和平的问题。Pai Chung-hsi and the Hupeh Provincial Council immediately brought the question of peace before the generalissimo.

这场胜利,西班牙的法西斯领导佛朗哥将军以及他的政权迅速周旋的宣传工具。It was a win that Spain's fascist leader Generalissimo Franco was quick to spin a propaganda vehicle for his regime.

在内阁会议召开之前,总理和最高统帅曾对这个问题进行了一场激烈的争辩。This issue was fought out between the premier and the generalissimo at a stormy interview before the council meeting.

他下过成千上万道命令,下级都对之唯唯诺诺,但是这位委员长却并不怎么了解人们究竟是怎样执行他的命令的。He wrote orders by the thousands and everyone said yes to his orders, but the generalissimo seldom knew what had been done.

当时的情势已急迫到需要找出其他领导者和受支持的政策来取代蒋大元帅和国民党。Some other leadership and a viable program had to be found to replace the Generalissimo and the Nationalist Party organization.

难道他们真的以为,把日本人打跑以后,中国其他各界人民都将支持他们反对拥有强大兵力的蒋介石吗?Did they really think that with the Japanese gone the rest of Chinese society would support them against the well-armed generalissimo?

后来他终于改变主意,重新召开国大,举行选举,让李宗仁当上了副总统。Finally the generalissimo then changed his mind, the assembly reconvened , the election was held and Li became the vice-president of the country.

我住进将军套房,是将军们上山向总司令汇报时的居所,马路对面不远就是总司令的行馆。I got the General's Suite, where the generals stay when they come uphill to report to the Generalissimo , who lives a few steps away across the road.

蒋介石的兵力比八路军多三倍,大炮、机关枪和步枪的火力也占相应的优势。The generalissimo had an army four times that of the 8th Route Army, with a correspondingly greater fire power in artillery, machine guns and rifles.

在刑场的上方高高悬挂着蒋委员长的画像。画家把他画得咧着嘴,微笑着。Far above the execution ground towered the picture of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. His lips, as the artist had painted them, were parted in a smile.