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那有可能是起源吗?Could that be the genesis?

玛祖卡舞”起源于哪个国家?。Which country is Mazurka genesis?

从创世纪开始考起吗?Will you be tested from Genesis on?

同样的词用在创世纪37章。That same word is used in Genesis 37

条纹长石为交代成因。The genesis of perthite is metasomatic.

你观察我屠场的起源。You observe the genesis of my abattoir.

这段故事包括在创世纪的第12至50章中。These are contained in Genesis 12 through 50.

因此在创世纪第十八章里,神预备撒拉的心。So, in Genesis 18, therefore, the Lord prepares.

GENESIS对雌蕊育性几乎没有影响。GENESIS has little effect to the pistil fertility.

此外还有“创世记的答案”网站对我博文的回应。And then Answers in Genesis responded to my posting.

我对自己第一次获得世嘉成因游戏机的那一时刻记忆犹新。I remember when I first got my Sega Genesis console.

那次罢工的起源是因工资问题上的歧见。The genesis of strike was a disagreement over wages.

当我们点击它时,我们就看到创世记到启发录。And when we click that, we see Genesis to Revelation.

他熬费苦心地描绘了这次野餐的根由。Laboriously did he describe the genesis of the picnic.

并探讨了文石的形成机制。The genesis of aragonite is also discussed in this paper.

我妻子在奥普特拉这儿的起源坑还能不能用?Are my wife's Genesis Pits here on Optera still functional?

加索尔拿到了这个助攻,但这一切都起源于科比的那次伟大的跳起传球。Pau got the dime, but Kobe’s play was the bucket’s genesis.

那是优先存在的,是起源,是原因,对吗?That's something prior. That's genesis. That's a cause, right?

横涧矿床是斑岩铀矿床。The Hengjian deposit is a porphyry uranium deposit in genesis.

动画影片具有独特的艺术生成机制。Cartoon movies have their special mechanism of artistic genesis.