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性器官里的神经细胞变得兴奋。Nerve cells in the genitals become excited.

镖弹可能伤到咽喉、眼睛、生殖器。Darts can injure the throat, eyes, or genitals.

看来,男人的心智与性器是和谐的。The men's minds and genitals were in agreement.

他的生殖器被割了,但是他仍然还活着。His genitals had been cut off, but he was still alive.

你每次洗澡的时候都应该好好洗一下你的生殖器。You should wash your genitals well every time you bathe.

为什么,我们容忍解剖学对女性性器官如此的含糊其辞?Why do we tolerate such anatomic equivocation of women’s genitals?

在赤身裸体瑟瑟发抖的囚犯的生殖器和腿边放上一只军犬?Set guard dogs at the genitals and legs of cowering naked prisoners?

古人因葫芦形似而又多子,以此为男性生殖器的象征。The Ancients viewed the calabash as the symbol of the male genitals.

他在她的舌头上和生殖器周围找到爱滋病的病征。He found telltale signs of AIDS on her tongue and around her genitals.

但是,看着自己的性器官,这让我接受自己是个“男人”更容易了。But seeing my genitals made it easier to accept the reality of my manhood.

中国自古就有生殖崇拜的文化传统。There has been a cultural tradition of genitals worship since ancient China.

有时,基因上生为男性的人生来就具有男性和女性生殖器。Sometimes a genetic male is born with a set of both male and female genitals.

通常,大脑、心脏和生殖器很少或根本没有脂肪囤积。Usually there is little or no fat around the brain, heart and genitals.

此类药物并不影响情欲,只是增加了生殖器官的血液流量。These products do not affect desire. They increase blood flow into the genitals.

火星人没有生殖器官,以分裂繁殖的方式繁衍后代。The martian has no genitals , multiply the offspring in a manner to split and breed.

它也不像其他类型的湿疣,比如手上的,会传递到生殖器上。It is unlikely non-genital warts, such as on hands, can be transferred to the genitals.

像凯格尔健身法这样的方法也是很容易操作的,并且不需要你握着自己的生殖器。Exercises like Kegels are super easy to do and do NOT require you to handle your genitals.

我们的文化总是认为女性的生殖器肮脏,需要清理修饰。Our culture often portrays women's genitals as dirty and in need of cleaning and grooming.

是的,‘离婚’一词源于拉丁语,意思是掏空他们的钱袋,就好比是狠狠地拔掉男人的生殖器。Ah yes, divorce, from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet.

FFWHCs强调女性性器官在大小和外观上的巨大差异和变化。The FFWHCs emphasizes the tremendous variation in the size and appearance of women’s genitals.