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屈维维尔岛上住满着巴布亚企鹅。Cuverville Island was covered with gentoo penguins.

它们同南极洲的企鹅不一样,比较喜欢温带气候。Unlike true Antarctic penguins the gentoo prefers more temperate climes.

和真正的南极企鹅不一样,巴布亚企鹅更喜欢温和的气候。Unlike true Antarctic penguins, the gentoo prefers more temperate climes.

一群巴布亚企鹅栖息在南极洲西尔瓦海湾结冰的岸上。A group of gentoo penguins nests on an icy shore of Cierva Cove, Antarctica.

所以换句话说,这里提供的包类型有Gentoo的ebuild和Debian的.deb包。So in other words, the package types provided are Gentoo ebuilds, and Debian .deb packages.

该企鹅聚居地的出现可能反映了现代气候对金图企鹅生活习性的影响。This suggests that change in climate might impact on the behavior of modern Gentoo penguin.

泰然自若的跳进腹部首先进入海洋,一群巴布亚企鹅排成一行为了一泡。Poised to plunge belly-first into the ocean, a colony of gentoo penguins lines up for a dip.

在这里,来访者可以参观博物馆,买纪念品,寄信,还可以游览白眉企鹅栖息地。Visitors can tour the museum, buy souvenirs, post mail, and view the large gentoo penguin colony.

跟长冠企鹅一样,巴布亚企鹅在上岸的五周内就必须将卵孵化。Like the Macaronis, Gentoo penguins incubate and hatch their eggs within five weeks of coming ashore.

Gentoo的文档已多次被认为是最好的在线文档之一。The Gentoo documentation was repeatedly labelled as the best online documentation of any distribution.

还有一个子公司7名成员组成的理事会,其成员的Gentoo决定的技术问题和政策。There is also a subsidiary seven-member Gentoo Council whose members decide on technical issues and policies.

直到最近,巴布亚501c6基金会是一个非营利性的基础,在该国注册的新墨西哥。Until recently, the Gentoo Foundation was a 501c6 non-profit foundation, registered in the State of New Mexico.

如果你不能获得有足够自定义潜力的发行版本,那么看一看Gentoo是值得的。If you can't get enough of distros with huge potential for customisation, it's well worth taking a look at Gentoo.

因为他们的捕食能力,阿德利企鹅没有帽带企鹅和巴布亚企鹅那么强,他们的群体正在以更快的速度萎缩变少。Because they have less foraging capability than Chinstrap and Gentoo penguins, the Adélie are shrinking at a greater rate than the other penguin species.

有些Gentoo用户已经认识到耗时的编译一个软件程序包带来的只是边际效益的速度和优化。Some Gentoo users have come to a realisation that the time-consuming compiling of software packages brings only marginal speed and optimisation benefits.