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这张作品显示了近地轨道和地球同步轨道上的太空碎片。Artwork showing space debris in low and geostationary Earth orbit.

比如,通讯卫星有一个对地静止轨道。Communications satellites, for example, have a geostationary orbit.

研究了电推进在静止轨道空间碎片减缓中应用的可行性和效果。It is a measure using electric propulsion to the mitigate the geostationary space debris.

同步卫星可以用在通讯、气象预报甚至情报方面。Geostationary satellites may be used for telecommunications, weather forecasting, or even spying.

在这种背景下,新一代静止图象压缩标准JPEG2000便应运而生了。In this context, a new generation of geostationary JPEG2000 image compression standards will come into being by.

照片中有猎户的腰带,以及一些知名的星云,还有2.5度长的同步卫星轨道。It shows Orion's belt stars and well-known nebulae along with many 2.5 degree long geostationary satellite trails.

同时,它可以取代化学燃料火箭来帮助卫星从近地轨道变轨至静止轨道。In the meantime, it could replace chemical rockets for pushing satellites from low Earth orbit to geostationary orbit.

这个想法领先于那个时代20年,环赤道同步静止轨道也因此以他的名字命名。The idea was two decades ahead of its time, and helped to attach his name to the geostationary orbit above the equator.

推力有限时,地球同步轨道卫星在远地点变轨的弧段很长,会导致较多的燃料消耗。In the case of finite thrust apogee maneuver for the geostationary satellite, the fuel consumption increases due to the long burn arc.

提起奥运会上的两次失误,程菲平静地说“那是刻骨铭心的痛”。Speaking at Olympic Games' two faults, Cheng Fippin geostationary said that that was the pain which remembered with eternal gratitude.

以低加速度从航天飞机的低地球轨道转移到对地静止轨道,需要有限多次点火。Finite multiple burn method is used for the transfer from Space Shuttle low earth orbit to the geostationary orbit with low accelerations.

信息反馈校验指令控制方式普遍运用于同步轨道静止卫星的指令控制系统中。The command remote control system with information feedback checking is commonly used in command control system of geostationary satellite.

按照这一计划,将建造一个类似太阳电池板的数公里宽的太阳能光伏板阵列,并将之置于静止轨道上。The plan is to create a miles-wide array of photovoltaic panels, like the solar panels used on Earth , and place it in a geostationary orbit.

事实上,许多同步卫星已经在使用太阳风来维持自己的轨道高度了。Indeed, some of the large geostationary satellites, for example, already use solar-sail flaps to maintain their attitude without firing their thrusters.

国家海洋和大气管理局官员把这颗新卫星命名为GOES-R,这是地球静止轨道环境业务卫星R系列的缩写。NOAA officials are calling the new satellite GOES-R. That is short for a much longer name -- the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite – R Series.

EUMETSAT和NOAA等机构拥有的气象卫星可以更频繁地收集数据,因为它们是地球同步卫星,而且可以观察更大的固定位置。Meteorological satellites, such as those belonging to EUMETSAT and NOAA, can collect data more frequently as they are geostationary and view a large fixed position.

文章给出在发射静止卫星过程中,固体远地点发动机点火时间和点火姿态的最佳值确定方法。This paper provides a method for determining the optimum time and attitude in process of geostationary satellite launch at which the solid-apogee motor to be fired.

微型卫星环绕地球运行,与传统的卫星相比质量更低、物理尺寸更小,例如地球静止卫星。A miniaturized satellite is an earth-orbiting device having lower mass and smaller physical dimensions than a conventional satellite , such as a geostationary satellite.

介绍并分析了针对地球静止卫星的各种高精度测定轨跟踪技术。Several individual and combined techniques including BRTS, VLBI, CEI and GPS are presented and analyzed for tracking and orbit determination for geostationary satellites.

本文介绍了在计算机上进行细长型双自旋卫星姿态、轨道和重要遥测参数仿真的原理和方案。The concept and scheme for the simulation of attitude, orbit and important telemetry parameters of prolate dual-spin geostationary satellite have been given in the paper.