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种子在春天发芽。Seeds germinate in the spring.

春风一刮,芽儿萌发。Spring breeze, sprout germinate.

温度和水分使种子发芽。Warmth and moisture germinate seeds.

这些促使着渴望的种子发芽。These, that germinate the seeds of longing.

这些植物在清凉潮湿的天气中才能发芽。You need cool, moist weather for these plants to germinate.

播种它,它将会发芽,结果,结种子。Sow it and it will germinate and produce fruits having seeds.

文斯在16年前就萌发了创建这样一个组织的想法。The idea for the organization began to germinate 16 years ago.

打孔覆膜栽培法的出苗率最高。The rate of germinate of hole with plastic mulch was the highest.

我们把蘸溼的溼面纸放在杯子里帮助种子发芽。We used wet paper towels in the cups to help germinate the seeds.

叶生小孢子囊花粉具有萌发能力。The pollens in epiphyllous microsporangia have capability to germinate.

幼儿比如幼苗,必须培养得宜,方能发芽滋长。Children such as seedlings, must develop properly, can only germinate grow.

我开始一整篇文章或者一本书,然后让思想萌发。I start a whole bunch of articles and books, and let those ideas germinate.

邪恶的思想已不能再在这心里滋长,正如荨麻不能生在冰山上。An unworthy thought can no more germinate in it, than a nettle on a glacier.

瘦果在萌发之前必须与头状花序分离。The achenes need to be disconnected from the capitulum before they germinate.

另一些瘦果被风力或者流水带走并且在排水沟里萌发。Other achenes are carried away by wind or runoff water and germinate in runnels.

它们消化之后排泄出来的粪便,有助于森林中许多种子的发芽。The digested food, as it passes through their systems, helps seeds to germinate.

现在讨论什么时候这个实验能够付诸实践实在是有点早。When this experiment will germinate into practice, however, is too early to say.

如果吸入炭疽热细菌,其孢子会在生物体内迅速增生,生物体将在1天至60天内被感染。If inhaled, anthrax spores can germinate and lead to infection within one to 60 days.

与被子植物相比,裸子植物花粉具有萌发时间长、花粉管生长缓慢等特点。As compared with angiosperm, pollen grains of gymnosperms germinate and growth slowly.

一旦你做完了自己应该做的,那就退后一步,耐心等待种子发芽。Once you have done your part you need to step back and wait for the seeds to germinate.