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卢克请求黑客扎卡里斯·根特破解出全部记录。Luke asked slicer Zakarisz Ghent to extract the full recording.

根特抵达科洛桑两天后,就为阿克巴洗刷了罪名。Two days after his arrival on Coruscant, Ghent had Ackbar cleared.

看起来,这个观点甚至会吸引更多游客光临根特。It even looks as though the idea may attract more tourism to Ghent.

所以,我在根特火车站对面的一家旅馆住了下来。So, instead, I checked into a hotel opposite Ghent railway station.

比利时的根特市有效地解决了这个问题。A city which has tackled this issue effectively is Ghent in Belgium.

当时恐怖万状,以致在马林①的孔代亲王和在根特的路易十八都提心吊胆。This panic was such that it attacked the Prince de Conde at Mechlin, and Louis XVIII. at Ghent.

扎卡里斯·根特在20岁刚出头时就已成为塔隆·卡尔德走私集团的重要成员。When just in his early 20s, Zakarisz Ghent was a vital part of Talon Karrde's smuggling operation.

根特负责维护卡尔德所有的计算机和机器人,保证它们平稳运行。Recruited from Chibias, Ghent handled all of Karrde's computers and droids, keeping them running smoothly.

自1817年建立以来,根特大学在近200年的时间里培养了众多优秀人才。Since its founding in 1817, Ghent University has produced a large number of talents and remarkable people.

现在,城市有了一个有效的交通规划,其中包括根特市的员工骑自行车或在市外停车。Now the city has an effective transportation plan which includes Ghent City bicycles for staff and outlying parking.

比利时根特市已经声明星期四为无肉日。世界各地的城市是否也应该加入素食运动?The Belgian city of Ghent has declared Thursdaysmeat-free days. Should cities around the world join in thevegolution?

他的作品都在他位于比利时根特的工场内手工制作的,体现了他对完美样式、细节和造型的追求。His work, handproduced in his workshop in Ghent Belgium, reflects his quest for perfection in form, detail and fabrication.

卡尔德怀疑是一名专业黑客将那笔资金划到了阿克巴的账上。他希望根特能证明这一点。Karrde suspected the funds allocated to Ackbar's account were the work of an expert slicer, and wanted Ghent to prove his suspicions.

在科洛桑的一个月里,根特甚至破解了一种脉冲传输器密码。该密码由神秘的德尔塔情报源使用。In his month-long stay on Coruscant, Ghent even sliced through the pulse transmitter encrypt code used by the mysterious Delta Source.

经过在另外一所中学执教的短暂离别后,他回到根特大学成为一名教授,从事研究,并再次接近塞林。After a short stint as a professor at another school, he returned to Ghent University to become a professor, do research, and be near Celine again.

她与电视台和法国的医生们取得了联系,那些医生们帮她在根特联系了一位专门研究计算机辅助瘫痪者的专家。She contacted the television and the French doctors who put her in touch with a professional in Ghent specialising in computer aids for the paralysed.

在过去几年中,来我餐馆顾客对素食菜肴的需求量已经大幅度增加。There has been a massive increase in demand for vegetarian dishes at my restaurant over the past few years, " Wim Vandamme, a Ghent restauranteur told me."

在过去几年中,来我餐馆顾客对素食菜肴的需求量已经大幅度增加。"There has been a massive increase in demand for vegetarian dishes at my restaurant over the past few years, " Wim Vandamme, a Ghent restauranteur told me.

不久以后,当莱娅须要去卫兰星球时,根特在“狂野卡尔德号”上配置了一个虚假的帝国应答码,确保这艘飞船能载着她抵达目的地。A short time later, when Leia needed to get to the planet Wayland, Ghent rigged a fake Imperial transponder code on the Wild Karrde that allowed it to carry her there.

比利时根特市检察院的一位发言人告诉法新社记者,并表示宜家在事故前并未接到任何警告。We don't know who is behind this, nor why, " the spokeswoman for the Ghent prosecutor's office, An Schoonjans, told AFP, adding that the store had not received any prior warning.