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爱我自己给它起的名字读音。Loved the giggly sound of the name I'd given it.

傻傻的期待着你给的幸福。Giggly looking forward to the happiness you give.

从未想到他们的女人有傻笑的小巧的魅力。Never thought their women had giggly little charm.

傻笑而且看上去从没有这么完美。She wasn't so giggly anymore and she had never looked better.

她不再动辄傻笑而且看上去从没有这么完美。She wasn’t so giggly anymore and she had never looked better.

例如,当我看笑片的时候,我有时会傻笑。For example, I sometimes get giggly when I watch a funny movie.

有时朋友笑着问我比较尖锐的问题,“会不会有两性之间的吸引?I am sometimes asked rather probing questions by giggly friends. "What about sexual tension?

他看上去就像任何其他的4岁儿童一样,可是难以置信地可爱,咯咯地笑着,精力非常充沛。He seemed just like any other four-year-old, incredibly cute, giggly and overwhelmingly energetic.

尽管我们也渴望再次体验那些早前的天真傻笑的约会,但是我们恢复不了那种关系了。We can't go backward in relationships despite our longing for the thrill of those earliest, giggly dates.

一天,大家嘻嘻哈哈从外面吃饭回来,楼下贴出一张任命通知,新经理任命下来了。One day, everybody giggly from eating out back downstairs post a new manager appointed appointed notice, come down.

自愿者开始都很害羞还不停地笑,但然后事实上他们变得郑重其事,一丝不苟。Our volunteers were nervous and giggly at first, but then became increasingly earnest and emphatic—intense, in fact.

我在柬埔寨西北部一座走私猖獗的波贝小镇见到Srey,一个可爱的、咯咯笑的、纤瘦的十几岁少女。I met Srey Neth, a lovely, giggly wisp of a teenager, here in the wild smuggling town of Poipet in northwestern Cambodia.

多数时候,从表面上看,我是个好孩子,一个嘻嘻哈哈的假小子,喜欢体育运动,比赛常拿名次。For the most part, and on the outside, I was a good kid, a giggly tomboy who liked to play sports and who was good at competition.