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别担心,你这个小丫头。Now, don't you worry, girlie.

在后台的“娘娘腔”,在公平的状态显示。Backstage at the "girlie" show at the state fair.

她能把苹果皮削成长长秀气的一条。She could peel an apple in one long girlie strip.

慷慨大方也是女孩经济的特征。Generosity is also characteristic of the girlie economy.

为什么怪物他来扮我就只能装这些女里女气的鬼魂?How comes he does the monsters, I play the girlie ghosts?

身着黑褶薄裙卡门•斯看起仿若女。Carman Kass looked girlie in a black ruffle chiffon dress.

奇异的青蛙王子低度葡萄酒瓶塞让美女之夜焕发生机。Liven up a girlie night in with this fabulous Frog Prince Lighted Wine Stopper.

父亲为了遏阻儿子「女人般的行为」而叫他的儿子「死玻璃」或「同性恋」是违法的。It is illegal for a father to call his son a "faggot" or "queer" in an effort to curb "girlie behavior.

从柔软的层叠褶边到波形褶边,它们可以将你的女性魅力发挥到最大。From softly cascading ruffles to frills of layers at the hem, you'll bring out your girlie best in ruffles.

我砍树,我穿高跟鞋、吊袜带、和胸罩,我希望我是个人妖,就像我亲爱的老爸!I chop down trees, I wear high heels, Suspendies and a bra. I wish I'd been a girlie , Just like my dear papa.

他同时也是媒体上的明星,在模特广告,美女挂历,甚至火柴盒盖儿上抛头露面。He was a media star, posing for cheesecake publicity shoots, popping up on girlie calendars and matchbook covers.

没错,这些衣服就是给那些自认“嗲声嗲气的女孩”的---想爬树就不合适了。And make no mistake, these pieces are for the self-confessed "girlie girl" – there is little scope for tree climbing.

她并不喜欢挖掘机,她是个小淑女,即使去钓鱼也穿着褶边裙。"She doesn't even like tractors, " she said. "She's a real girlie girl – even when she goes fishing she wears frilly dresses."

我还有不少娘娘腔的风格,我爱马克西衣服,我真的很佩服像妮可里奇和维多利亚贝克汉姆这样的人的风格。I've got quite a girlie style, I love maxi dresses, and I really admire the style of people like Nicole Richie and Victoria Beckham.

新浪漫主义女孩,摒弃了典型的少女色,通过黑色与奶油色来展现自己的时代感,同时又兼具女性化的一面。Not your typical girlie colors, the New Romantic girl expresses herself in black and cream to show her modern but also feminine side.

在湾仔周围霓虹灯包围的夜生活区的街角处,这家老店和周围的娘娘腔酒吧形成了鲜明的对比。Located around the corner from Wan Chai's neon nightlife district, this old-time shop is a stark contrast to the surrounding girlie bars.

六年前,施瓦辛格先生到州府萨克拉门托呼吁要“大刀阔斧地处理加州财政问题”,说是要“剪断信用卡”,还要给州议会那帮娘娘腔注射点雄性激素。Six years ago, Mr. Schwarzenegger arrived in Sacramento to "cut up the credit card" and give the girlie men at the State Capitol a testosterone shot.

我们每个月的劳动成果是一本100页的无线装订刊物,点缀着闪亮的星星、雷电魔法以及小独角兽,用女孩气的草书写封面。The product of our labors every month was a perfect-bound 100 pages freckled with stars, lightning bolts and tiny unicorns with girlie cursive cover lines.

褶边占据了夏季流行趋势清单的榜首。从柔软的层叠褶边到波形褶边,它们可以将你的女性魅力发挥到最大。Ruffles top our list of favorite summer fashion trends. From softly cascading ruffles to frills of layers at the hem, you'll bring out your girlie best in ruffles.