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大老党领导阶层拒绝了我的提议。The GOP leadership turned me down.

此问题上,不要指望大老党能有一点让步。On this matter, don't expect the GOP to budge much.

哦我的天啊。塔利班和大老党将会很震惊的。Oh my goodness. The Taliban and the GOP will be appalled.

这场激烈的竞争体现了共和党选民高涨的热情。The tight battle reflects the high-octane energy among GOP voters.

共和党可能赢得一决高下的话那在本届国会的。The GOP might win a showdown if it came to that in the current Congress.

而使用GOP,你可以明确的看到活动是如何地实时被执行的。Using GOP you can see how the activities are being executed in real time.

将近四分之三的投票认为美国老大党并没有一个清晰的经济计划。Nearly three in four polled said the GOP doesn't have a clear economic plan.

共和党敦促不再增加债务限额的行为将会给全球经济带来什么冲击波?What about the international shockwaves of a GOP push not to raise the debt limit?

参议长贷瑞莎穆雷发言人拒绝评论对共和党的提案。A spokesman for Senate President Therese Murray declined comment on the GOP proposal.

然而没有人愿意在十一月份付出代价,很多共和党的质疑者将从中受益。Yet none of them will pay a price in November, and many GOP challengers will benefit.

共和党拥护保罗的美联储怀疑论,象征着这场运动正在朝保罗的方向走。The GOP embrace of Paul's Fed skepticism is a signal of its movement in his direction.

布什总统将会在今天到达乞沙比克海湾会见共和党立法人员。President Bush will be in a retreat on Chesapeake Bay today to meet with GOP lawmakers.

美国前任驻华大使洪博培正考虑角逐共和党总统候选人。The former ambassador Huntsman is considering a run for the GOP presidential nomination.

但是共和党参选人的一些言论对于中国观察家们来说还是特别地令人疑惑。But some of the remarks by GOP candidates have been particularly puzzling to China watchers.

在下周参议院辩论中,该法案预计将得到至少部分共和党人的支持。During Senate debate next week, the measure is expected to pick up at least some GOP support.

你肯定是是一个共和党同情者?你到底是替群众说话还是替共和党说话?你的国家是啥?You must be a GOP sympathizer? And you're feeling defensive for them? What about your country?

显然,那正是茶党所引导的共和党和自由党的态度所让人联想到的。That's certainly what the behaviour of the tea-party-driven GOP and the Party for Freedom suggests.

医保延长收益规定,关乎250万失业美国民众的切身利益,却数周耽搁在了大老党的阻挠议事上不得通过。Extension of benefits to 2.5 million unemployed Americans were held up for weeks by a GOP filibuster.

但议会共和党领导人米奇·麦康诺表示,总统奥巴马已经注意到民众希望减少支出。But Senate GOP leader Mitch MCConnell says president Obama has realized republicans want spending cuts.

现在,共和党领导宣称将废止该法案,这将使得国家陷入倒退困境。And now, the GOP leadership is calling for repealing this law and that would take the country backwards.