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穴居沙龟打一个迂曲的地洞。The gopher digs a maze of tunnels.

一只地鼠和一只鼹鼠打洞从地板里钻了出来。A gopher and a mole tunnel up through the floor.

沙乌龟是会在地上打洞的旱乌龟。Gopher turtles are tortoises that dig burrows in the ground.

该物种生活在美国东南部,但结局往往很悲惨。Gopher tortoises in the southeastern U.S. often end up as roadkill.

眼看就要到终点了,我却踩到了地鼠洞,摔折了腿。I was almost at the goal when I stepped in a gopher hole and broke my leg.

他发现同一地区的两个囊地鼠群落之间有竞争。He discovered there are competitions between two gopher villages in one area.

根据他们的地下摄像机拍摄到的图像分析,就是在车库下面的电线断裂了。Footage from their gopher camera had picked up exactly where her line was corrupted.

部落里智慧的萨满知道上天给了小高梵一份与众不同的天赋。The wise shaman of the tribe understood that Little Gopher had a gift that was special.

戈菲尔普雷里就是一个极其乏味、因循守旧、充满虚伪和压迫的地方。Gopher Prairie is a place of unbearable dullness, conformity, hypocrisy, and oppression.

随着地鼠问题的解决,哥伦比亚公园内的球场开始得到定期的使用。With the gopher problem resolved, the fields at Columbia Park began to receive regular use.

獾取来水,钱鼠将浸过冷水的湿布来安抚熊,地鼠在做肉汤。Badger fetches water. Gopher cooks the broth while Mole soothes Bear with a cool, wet cloth.

在互联网发展的初期,人们使用Gopher协议和IRC服务器来交流。Back in the early days of the internet, people used gopher and IRC servers for communication.

谷佛用袜子来装他的石头标本。“我以前从来没有过这么大的‘袋子’呢!”Gopher appreciated the "bag" for toting around his rock samples. "never had one big enough before! "

每年春天,人们在草地载歌载舞赞美感谢小高梵为人们画下的一切。And every spring, the People danced and sang the praises of Little Gopher who painted for the People.

一直到夕阳的余辉在天空开始转淡。小高梵盯着洁白的鹿皮,终于心里乐开了花。And as the colors in the sky began to fade, Little Gopher gazed at the white buckskin and he was happy.

邻近的明尼苏达州被称为“田鼠州”,它取名自这种非常有趣的打洞的动物。Neighboring Minnesota, the Gopher State, is named for a much nicer animal that builds hills and tunnels.

邻近的明尼苏达州,地鼠国,被命名为一个更加美好的动物,构建山和隧道。Neighboring Minnesota, the Gopher State, is named for a much nicer animal that builds hills and tunnels.

邻近的明尼苏达州被称为“囊地鼠州”,是以一种更加温顺,可以建山打洞的小动物命名。Neighboring Minnesota, the Gopher State, is named for a much nicer animal that builds hills and tunnels.

你要用歌斐木造一只方舟、分一间一间的造、里外抹上松香。Make for yourself an ark of gopher wood with rooms in it, and make it safe from the water inside and out.

与之相邻的明尼苏达州,也称作囊地鼠州,它是以一种温和的多的,善于穿山和地道的动物命名的。Neighboring Minnesota, "The Gopher State, " is named for a much nicer animal that builds hills and tunnels.