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天啊蛋蛋!Gosh gooly gee.

哦,天啊,好吧,Oh, my gosh. Alright, so

喔,天哪—但是,相信她演起来很容易。Oh my gosh. -But uh, she sure makes it look easy.

当我告诉她我离开了中央情报局时,她定定的看着我好像在说“啊,谢天谢地。”When I left the CIA and told her she looked at me like "Oh my gosh.

当我告诉她我离开了中央情报局时,她定定的看着我好像在说“啊,谢天谢地。”When I left the CIA and told her she looked at me like "Oh my gosh."

噢,天啊。是的。看我一听就兴奋了。我很喜欢感恩咖啡。Oh, my gosh. Yes. Look, I'm all getting excited. I love Cafe Gratitude.

奥巴马有很多罔顾事实的话语,可是天呐,我们就是喜欢听他咿咿呀呀地说。就是这样。Obama gets a lot of facts wrong, but gosh do we love to hear him prattle on. Such delivery.

大风从湖上呼呼地刮进城里,天晓得他们有没有听说过纽伯格龙虾。The wind comes howling in off the lake and gosh only knows if they've ever heard of Lobster Newburg.

噢,我的天啊。他们录取你了。旧金山音乐学院。噢,丽贝卡,我真为你高兴。Oh, my gosh. They accepted you. The San Francisco College of Music. Oh, Rebecca, I'm so happy for you.

今天有几个林妹妹,来享用早餐呀?哦,老天,你难道,花了一整个晚上做这个。Now how many muses come over in The morning bearing breakfast ?Oh, my gosh. You must have Stayed up all night making that.

天哪,这对我来说就是个晴天霹雳,我比新闻界早先得知他去世的消息,因为我也和AEG签约了。Gosh it was very surreal to me, I heard about his passing before the press did because I'm with AEG and so was Michael Jackson.

他和他的同事应用不同的化学生长信号物质处理骨髓得到两种不同类型干细胞然后连同供者气管交付GOSH科学家。He and his colleagues prepared two different types of stem cells from the bone marrow together with some growth signalling chemicals and returned them to GOSH with the donor trachea.