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她举止娴雅。She deported herself gracefully.

她娇嗔地对着我的脸打了一个哈欠。She yawned gracefully in my face.

这个请求被有礼貌地回绝了。The request was gracefully refused.

预见到会有亏损,雍容大度地接受亏损。Expect and accept losses gracefully.

我认为我们应该大大方方地认输。I think we should just give in gracefully.

河水淙淙地流着,泛起层层涟漪。The river rippled and murmured gracefully.

他的小步舞跳得庄重而优美。He stepped a minuet gravely and gracefully.

这个小女孩举止大方。The little girl carries herself gracefully.

溜冰者们在冰面上优美地滑行。The skaters glided gracefully over the ice.

温雅地把属于青春的一切交还。Gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

跳跃的伴侣,优雅地相互鞠躬。Cavorting pairs bow gracefully to each other.

他会打篮球,舞跳得很优美。He could play basketball and dance gracefully.

12招助你女儿优雅走向成熟Tips For Helping Your Daughter Mature Gracefully

跳舞的人们在舞场的地板上优美地旋转。Dancers wheeled gracefully on the ballroom floor.

秀珍的舞蹈跳得比惠萍更优美。Xiuzhen dances more gracefully than Huiping does.

人们素来不知道怎样从从容容地离去。People never know to get away from them gracefully.

新外套在臀围线上优美地打着褶皱。The new coats blouse gracefully above the hip line.

产生了优美的流动和生气蓬勃的顺序之成果…The result is a gracefully flowing, animated sequence.

五位舞蹈者之中,杏花跳得最优美。Of the five dancers, Xinghua dances the most gracefully.

她的歌唱得很好,舞也跳得很美。She sings very well. In addition, she dances gracefully.