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这是我朋友,鲍伯·格林伍德。And this is my friend, Bob Greenwood.

于是,她结识了汤姆格林伍德。In this way Masha meets Tom Greenwood.

格林伍德歌手们是一群受人们欢迎的歌手。Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers.

我是简•格林伍德,很高兴见到你。My name is Jane Greenwood. I'm glad to meet you.

“绿林少年”准备在此逗留5天。The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days.

林伍德歌手们是一群受人们欢迎的歌手。The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers.

Greenwood博士同样也用老鼠细胞进行了实验。Dr Greenwood also works with cells taken from mice.

哪些人将在车站迎接“绿林少年”?Who will be meeting Greenwood Boys at the station ?

文件显示,格林伍德和瓦尔什自1999年起是公司负责人。It lists Messrs. Walsh and Greenwood as principals since 1999.

绿林少年“演唱团在工人俱乐部的那场演出还不错。The performance of the Greenwood Boys at the Workers' Club was all right.

结果表明,绿枝扦插的生根率显著好于硬枝扦插。The result shows that the rooting rate of greenwood is higher than hardwood.

当他们离开他们叫罗达,装备,和凯蒂,“欢迎来到格林伍德森林!”As they left they shouted to Rhoda, Kit, and Katie, "Welcome to Greenwood Forest! ""

这些失败的生意人,落草也不能成为一流强盗。These businessmans failing, taking to the greenwood can't become the first-class robber either.

在他开始他的职业生涯,他已经改变了他的姓氏由格伦沃尔德向格林伍德。Before he began his professional career, he had changed his last name from Grunwald to Greenwood.

格林伍德的居民跳,跳,爬,飞,跃升到一个黑暗洞穴的入口。The residents of Greenwood skipped, hopped, crawled, flew, and jumped to the entrance of a dark cave.

Greenwood博士补充说,现在还不清楚多长时间的运动是适合人类的。Dr. Greenwood added that it was “not clear how that translates” into an exercise prescription for humans.

格林伍德指出你为身体所食用的最好的食物也是对大脑最好的食物。The best things you can eat for your body, Greenwood notes, are also the best things you can eat for your brain.

梁山英雄对婚姻的远离则是对宋代享乐之风的批判。The Liangshan greenwood heroes'keeping away from marital llfe is actually a criticism to hedonism of the Song Dynasty.

容格林伍德几乎在他执教的第一场比赛,1977年温布利对阵瑞士队的友谊赛中追平这一记录。Ron Greenwood almost equalled that total for his first match in charge, a Wembley friendly against Switzerland in 1977.

梁山英雄对婚姻的远离则是对宋代享乐之风的批判。The Liangshan greenwood heroes' keeping away from marital life is actually a criticism to hedonism of the Song Dynasty.