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我,和我的孤独,是一对善嫉的拍档。My loneliness and I are a pair of partners, like grudging.

如果中国不这么做,它可以继续增强自己的实力和勉强获得的尊重。If it doesn’t it may continue to gain strength and a grudging respect.

然而,洛城作为创造性的中心仅得到一些勉强的认同。Yet Los Angeles receives only grudging recognition as a creative center.

不过,他对多极的勉强接受表明风向正在扭转。But his grudging acceptance of multipolarity suggests that the winds are shifting.

我献出一个人便思前想后,他献出了四个却毫无怨言。I'd given one man and thought it too much, while he gave four without grudging them.

鼠辈并非机敏动物,但在这件事上其智商在我之上倒也让我佩服。Mice are not smart animals, but I cede a grudging respect at being outwitted in this manner.

泰晤士报谈及的“勉强许可”是大臣们对数十亿英镑的年度奖金的态度。The Times talks of a "grudging go-ahead" from the prime minister for a multi-billion pound round of bonuses.

当我们离开村子的时候很多老人因为不舍都哭了,而我们也在心里惦念着那些可爱的老人!When we left the village a lot of people cried because of grudging us, and we also miss the sweet heart elderly!

法律界人士正在做出搜集信息的努力,才勉强得到情报人员的尊重。Legal campaigners are waging an information-gathering effort that earns the grudging respect of intelligence operatives.

法律界人士正在做出搜集信息的努力,才勉强得到情报人员的尊重。Legal campaigners are waging an information-gathering effort that earns the grudging respect of intelligence operatives.

无论是之前对这位前第一夫人的厌恶还是最近对她的勉强接受,罗斯代表了不只一个人的观点。Mr Roth is hardly alone, either in his previous hatred for the former first lady or in his grudging new acceptance of her.

这回这个形容词是在表达勉强还是崇敬?是讽刺还是肯定?Will the adjective this time be grudging or admiring, cynical or affirmative, upwardly mythopoeic or downwardly Mammonite?

通过迫使这些偏执狂们认识中国人文化优越性这一事实,至少他们将会对中国有一丝丝尊重。By forcing the truth of China's cultural superiority on these bigots at least they will have some grudging respect for China.

尽管受到拉美媒体的强烈反对,查韦斯还是获得了这个地区大多数政府的勉强尊重。Virulently opposed by most of the continent's media, Chávez receives the grudging respect of most of the region's governments.

但是他们家族财雄势大,而且他的诚挚正直也使他赢得了选民勉强的尊重。But he still had unlimited money in his family, as well as a genuine integrity that had earned him grudging respect from the voters.

我们这方是带骄傲,那方是决心,加上大家都勉强的承认每个人都已经在力所能及内做得最好了。And it was tempered by pride on our part, determination on hers, and a grudging acknowledgement that we'd all done the best we could.

你们知道,那些左脉受阻的人往往爱抱怨,因为穷极无聊的事而郁闷,他们在受苦。As you know, those who catch on the left hand side, are always complaining, always grudging type because of poor things, they suffer.

周奔驰勉力支撑,咬牙坚持,习练更高难度的武功,当然更加生涩艰难,错误百出。Grudging his teeth Zhou continued to practise this set of difficult martial arts. Of course he struggled more and made more mistakes.

贝多芬从不屈服于他的专横的父亲,还忍气当过乐师,但终于克服一切,成为了全世界最伟大最著名的音乐家。Beethoven overcame his tyrannical father and grudging acceptance as a musician to become the greatest, most famous musician in the word.

等到首相任期行将届满时,布莱尔在其回忆录中提到默多克时称他“已经开始有点尊敬甚至于喜欢上他了”。By the end of his premiership, Blair wrote of Murdoch in his memoirs that he "came to have a grudging respect and even a liking for him".