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游击战争是什么呢?What is guerrilla warfare?

这就像打游击战。It is just like guerrilla warfare.

游击队据河而守。The guerrilla forces leaned on the river.

乌里维释放了数位被捕的游击队员。Mr Uribe freed scores of guerrilla prisoners.

我们把主要注意力放在游击区。Our chief interest was in the guerrilla regions.

一个新人民军游击队员在他们的军营里吸烟。An N. P. A. guerrilla smokes a cigarette at an N. P.

后街是园艺游击队的好地方。Back lanes are a great place for guerrilla gardening.

游击区的银行工作更特殊。Banking in the guerrilla areas was even more peculiar.

有许多地区,将是长期地处于游击区状态的。Many regions will remain guerrilla zones for a long time.

就是这样,基本的游击战术。这是我喜欢的!That's it, classic guerrilla tactics, that's what we like!

这是游击战争战略原则的最中心的问题。It is the key problem in the strategy of guerrilla warfare.

入侵军占领了游击队若干分散的前哨基地。The invading army overran a few scattered guerrilla outposts.

转移,使得旧区域变为游击区。These great shifts turned the old areas into guerrilla zones.

甚至在萨达姆被捕之后,伊拉克又爆发了新一轮反美游击战。A post-Saddam wave of anti-US guerrilla warfare has broken out.

克制与重复是游击营销的两个最佳拍档。Restraint and repetition are two great allies of the guerrilla.

这笔钱被库尔德人组建的游击队分子偷走了。This money was stolen by a guerrilla group of Kurd separatists.

设立了安全区以防止游击队员的渗入。The security zone was set up to prevent guerrilla infiltrations.

魂斗罗”是指具有崇高战斗精神和掌握极高游击战略的人。Contra "is a master of the fighting spirit and guerrilla tactics."

这个大转移,使得旧区域变为游击区。These great shifts have turned the old areas into guerrilla zones.

“魂斗罗”是指具有崇高战斗精神和掌握极高游戏战略的人。"CONTRA" is the master of the fighting spirit and guerrilla tactics.